i had no idea wat 2 write 4 dat question so i basically made it up... i wrote crap about the golf course and clubhouse and ways of maintaining them... i had no idea....
Yeah my trials are finally over
i did my last exam today
YEAH ALL OVER...now gotta start studin 4 da HSC exams coz dese trials made me realise i really gotta study
but dere over for now YEAH
i used cats in the cradle as a related material for changing perspective.
basically i said that :
the father comes to the realisation that his son has no time for him now that he is grown up. this is ironic because when the son was little the father had no time for him
i went along the...
i did my SGP last year on a local constructed wetland system and retardation basin. i focused on the land uses of it before and after the construction and different impacts such as pollution and flooding.
i got 98% for it which i was really happy with. however another person in my class beat...
the notes section on this site (bored of studies) has some heaps good notes that will help you heaps
does anyone know where i can get notes for:
cross religion section
women and religion
i can't seem to find any
i think you also need to know basic rules and formulas that you learnt inlike yr 7 and 8.
e.g area and volume formulas of basic shapes
dnt jst rely on da formula sheet it will have most prob of da formulas you need but not da basic (easy) formulas dat we sometimes forget coz they are so easy.
i didnt get financial maths and i figured out that it was because i didnt understand the termenology of the questions
i didnt understand the terms used in the questions
credit loan, simple, compound, salvage and so on
once i memorise the definition of each term and understood them...
I really need notes for Macbeth
i'm so lost i have a small understanding of the play
does ne1 know what could be asked about Macbeth in the exam
(used as Module for Close study of text)
if so can u please tell me and send so helpful hints or notes with it PLEASE
much appriciated