Hey Legally-blonde, the essay didnt send or sumthing coz its not in my hotmail account:( Hmmmm if its not 2 much trouble could u please try sending itr again. thanx heaps. Im feeling pretty good at the moment coz i ot 4 titlepages done (thats 4 weeks worth of work) so I am slowly catchin up...
HELL YES!!!!! lol that would be fanatastic!!!! i didnt even answer the question on buddhism for my trial :( Becoz I do it thro distance ed I have to finish my whole course (im six weeks behind) in the next three weeks and then basically try and learn it all coz i havent paid attention this...
I dont think I can change my subject, Im pretty sure that Im not allowed but maybe Ill ring my teacher and ask him next week. Yeh political change is really broad. Buddhism and racism should be ok but i hate the China one. Ill try and get a hold of that black book. Thank you sooooooooooooo much...
Im in year 12. I have an excel book, and its ok but the problem is that it doesnt have any of my depth studies. I think that Ill just have to dedicate more time to society and culture after my trials (this week and next) and try to make sense of it. Its heaps hard coz we dont have a society...
Hey, I do society and culture through distance education and I dont understand it at all. My focuses are: Political change in china, racism and Buddhism. I am one term behind in my work and have my trial next Wednesday. If anyone thinks they can help me to understand what the hell I am supposed...