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  1. S


    Freakin out! I just finished chapter 3 and i got so much more to do PLUS REFINING!! Arggghhh wake me up when November ends PLEASE!
  2. S


    Hey! Maybe you could do something like how the value of Xmas has dissolved in the 21st Century and consequently how social values have changed, altering teens perception of tradition and religion?? I mean Im a catholic and all I really think about round december is pressys then new year...
  3. S

    please help out with my PIP survey!

    Twins perhaps?? Hey Browneyedgirl~! What is your focus question? Cause I'm doing the impacts of living in a SPF on the construction of identity and how that alters decision making for adolescents! I have 08938237 sources and plenty of info if I can help you at all!! Good luck