Search results

  1. Enjodako

    Day Light Savings

    sorry didn't know where to post it
  2. Enjodako

    Day Light Savings

    Which way are the clocks meant to be set? I don't wanna miss my exams!!
  3. Enjodako

    Topics in the HSC?

    What topics are in the HSC?
  4. Enjodako

    Need Help with Certain Areas and Quotes.

    Hi I was wondering if anyone knows what I should should specifically look at for the HSC of Ancient History in the following Areas: Greece 500-440BC Spartan Society Roman Society Augustus to Titus Agrippina Also if someone could give me some quotes to learn for the following areas, it...
  5. Enjodako

    Sources for Augustus' Forum

    Hi, I need 5 sources (Primary, Written & Archaeological) that coinside with the changes that Augustus made to the Roman Forum, can someone lead me in the right direction? More likely actual addresses for the sources themselves, because I know a few writers/poets Tactius and Suetonis but I can't...
  6. Enjodako

    Which guides to use.

    I was just wondering which are the best study guides (books/sites) to buy for the HSC I'm doing:: Senior Science Visual Arts General Maths Ancient History English Standard Thankyou.
  7. Enjodako

    TAFE Course Question.

    I was wondering if anyone knows any NSW TAFE's that offer the following:: Japanese Beginner Multimedia Drama Anything to do with Computing (Websites, etc. not repairing) Music Ancient History Writing (As in Authoring) I've tried looking around but I can't find anything. I didn't...
  8. Enjodako

    How to study for Ancient History?

    Whats the best way to study for ancient history? excuse this if its been posted before. And are the HSC Excel books any help? (or can you suggest books/sites that may help?) I'm doing:: Personality:: Aggripina the Younger Society:: Sparta Society:: Rome Augustus - Titus Time Period...