It's about time this ended.
One last apology to all involved, especially the admins - I did not mean to damage the site's credibility like I did. Keep up the good job. Goodnight all.
1 - I did not post an apology earlier because I was off to tutoring and didn't have time.
2 - You obviously have way too much hate in you. Anyone who would go to such drastic length to get my personal info and then act on it is a hateful individual.
3 - I have very little information about...
Please don't start personal information wars because trust me. I can find very personal information about you too. I have already Pmed markmooks about it and I'm sure he'll be quite surprised by how much I know about him. Think pics, name etc...
This can stop here if you don't continue your...
I am not trying to save myself in any way. My other account names included LitttleBos and BigBos.
I appologised and the scam is over what more do you want.
I apologise for the scam which I deliberatly started last night. It is now over and I would just like to remind you again that the website has been shut down and no donations were received. No one was harmed and we all learned some things from it.
I failed to see the consequences of my...