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  1. O

    b eng/m biomed

    hey...iam in interested in biomedical engineering in unsw....does anyone know the starting salary and job opportunities?? is the course interesting/good?? thanx
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    are colour vision deficient students eligible to apply for med

    yeah..i did...i forgot to ask that time....oh would i apply for dentistry...erm...i'm just seeing what other options there are to do in uni... how would i contact the faculty.....or can i just state in the form that i am colour blind.....
  3. O

    are colour vision deficient students eligible to apply for med

    hey, i'm a student from fort street and applying for medicine in UNSW. i am colour blind ( colour vision deficient). not black and white colour blind...but i cant distinguish some shades of red, green and purple. i just want to ask whether i am still eligible to apply for medicine. thanx