animal science

  1. spicypotatos

    usyd for animal nutritionist what degree?

    hellooo idk if u guys saw my past posts but i had a think about it and im not too sure if I want to become a vet because its very high stress and I dont do too well with gory things, still i have loved animals since I was young so I looked into becoming an animal nutritionist and I'm pretty sure...
  2. zootnoojen

    Online tutoring for CHEM, BIO and application writing by an experienced former uni tutor

    Hello students, My name is Zoe. I am studying Vet science after graduating with a Bachelor of Animal Science and Bachelor of Zoology. I have learned a lot of study techniques, as well as content, in my time (6 years of uni study!). My tutoring is based around working smarter, not just...
  3. T

    Extracurricular, volunteering and work experience ideas?!

    In a couple of weeks I’ll be going into year 11 and i wanna make a change this year as in the past i have never participated that much in anything outside of the typical school stuff though this year I really wanna change to help out my community and work towards my goal of getting into usyd...
  4. W

    New Comer to UQ's Master of Animal Science

    Hey guys, I am Catherine, a new comer to UQ's Master of Animal Science in Wildlife Biology. Unfortunately the coming semester will be taught online. I am not from Australia, but I really want to make some friends in Australia's university, especially to meet people who are studying Animal...