
  1. C

    Combinatorics question

    Each of the letters A, A, C, H, M, and S is written on a separate card. The cards are drawn at random from a hat and placed next to each other to form a word. What is the probability that the word ASCHAM appears? My approach was: Numerator is 2 as the 2 A's can take the first place and will be...
  2. C

    Dropping Subjects

    I currently have 13 units and I don't think my school allows 13 units + I don't know if I can even handle it. I was thinking of dropping either history extension (which I just picked up), SOR, or Maths Extension 1. I don't know if I can handle history extension in all honesty it seems extremely...
  3. N

    Difficult question which involves a geometric series

    I'm finishing off holiday work assigned to me before school starts back and I find myself stuck on this question all the time: "In any GP, let Rn = T(n + 1) + T(n + 2) + ... + T(2n). Show that Rn:Sn = r^n:1, and hence find r if R8:S8 = 1:81" This is how the question is printed in my textbook...