
  1. P

    PIP Questionnaire

    Hello everyone! If its possible would you be able to complete my PIP questionnaire that focuses on how the personal and social identity of Chinese and Chinese Australian youth is shaped through consumerism. This questionnaire focuses on people of a Chinese cultural background, so if its possible...
  2. mdog07 Society and Culture PIP

    My questionnaire is about the negative effects of AI for a wide range of demographics. I would love a lot more responses on my questionnaire so that I can incorporate it into my PIP. Any recommendations for edits or additional questions are also welcome.
  3. A

    PIP Questionnaire

    Hi guys, my topic is about Dowry Abuse in the South-Asian diaspora and why it is still prevalent in today's age. The topic also explores the migration of traditions throughout society, with particular prevalence in the subsequent development of certain traditions (for e.g., dowry was originally...
  4. tsailatte

    CAFS IRP Questionnaire - Parents' Work and the Wellbeing of Adolescent Children

    This questionnaire is for my Year 12 Community and Family Studies IRP, where I am collecting data from 14-19 year olds about the effect of parents' work on an adolescent's wellbeing. All responses are anonymous. Please only answer if you are aged 14-19! It should take around 5 minutes to...
  5. Seraphos

    PIP Questionnaire;

    Hi everyone! I'm in desperate need of some quantative data so I would really appreciate it if you could take this even if you only do the multiple choice. (o_ _)ノ彡☆ My topic is the representation of the LGBT community in media and how that impacts how the community is viewed by society!
  6. M

    Please fill out my Society and Culture PIP questionnaire!!

    Topic: Influences and consequences of internalised misogyny in film across generations.
  7. H

    Fan Loyalty in the Music Industry -PIP Questionnaire:

    Hello, if you have the time I would really appreciate any responses on my form! Thank you :)
  8. V

    Please do my PIP survey:

    I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer my survey regarding how digital media has transformed parasocial relationships and the negative ramifications of them. You do not have to answer every question but some are required for research purposes. Anyone who has any understanding of the...
  9. Y

    Society & Culture PIP Questionnaire :]

    Hey guys! I would really appreciate it if you completed this questionnaire for me for my Society and Culture major work! I intend to evaluate the extent to which horror has evolved in relation to the depiction of female character archetypes, and how the genre contributes to the formation of...
  10. S

    CAFS Questionnaire - How Does Stress Created By The HSC Affect Students' Physical, Social, And Emotional Wellbeing?

    11 Quick Questions . Your response is highly appreciated :) Thanks!
  11. F

    pls do my pip questionnaire (gender & fashion)

    Hi, I hope you are having a great day If you could fill out my questionnaire about gender and fashion, that would greatly appreciated. It will only take a few minutes and it is completely anonymous. The link is in the document below because BoredOfStudies doesn't let me post links Thanks :)
  12. Minari243

    Please answer my questionnaire :))

    Hi! As part of my Society and Culture major project, I created a questionnaire to gather data for my research. It would be extremely helpful if you completed this and spread it to your friends and family :))
  13. B

    pip questionnaire

    hello, i'm looking for people to complete my questionnaire about news literacy, hoping for some good results and answer truthfully, thanks this website wouldn't let me post links so i split it in two parts, just put it back together, cheers https://
  14. sophieecam

    I need people to do my survey! (Preliminary Society and Culture)

    Hi everyone! I'm a Year 11 Student doing Preliminary Society and Culture and for one part of our first assessment task we need to do a survey (link in the document below) and analyze the results. I really need people to do my survey so If anybody took the time to do my survey I would really...
  15. 155the1st

    PIP Questionnaire on Left-wing and Right-wing Australian Media for my HSC

    Hello there! For my PIP, I've decided to talk about Australian media bias and how that affects individual views, elections, etc.. So I've made a questionnaire to get an idea of how the public sees our media. It'd be a great help if some fellow SAC students could fill it out; it just asks if you...