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2 short questionaires (2 Viewers)

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Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
I will do my best to do as many as possible and would appreciate if anyone could do either of the ones I posted


Active Member
Nov 13, 2004
=( Can you just copy + paste the questions? I find most people would rather just post responses in reply instead of open a new document. You'll probably get more responses that way.


Feb 28, 2006
Deep trenches of burning HELL
Locky Jr said:
Occupation: Kitchen Hand
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Suburb: Can't tell you (Hills district the closest)
Religion: Catholic
Ethnic Background: Asian

1. Where do you normally look for news?


2. What is your main source of news?

Channel 9 @ 6:00pm - my favourite TV show

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news?

Sky news .. because stupid ashes interrupts normal schedule on channel 9 and
sky news brings news up to the hour and have a host of reporters here and there

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories?

not at all important

b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories?

not that important

c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories?

moderately important

d) How do you rate the importance of political stories?

worthy of front page

e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories?

moderately important

f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories?


6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? Terrorism threats

b) Why?

Terrorism is the greatest threat to civilisation and society

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)

It broadens the spectrum of my knowledge of events occuring.

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you?

The media is my eye of the events happening in the world and locally.

b) Why do you think this would be the case?

I cannot physically observe events across the world and the media is much more
better at seeking events.

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society?

It notifies views of occurences happening

b) Why do you think this would be the case?

Personally I think it is because I see people in peak hour reading newspapers
and of course wanting to know whats going on.

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society?

The media is an information medium and is an intergral part of many people's lives such as mine.


Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
I think the graphics do not come up, but they are not that important so I will do it anyway

this is my questionaire

I am currently conducting a study on headline news and who decides what is important to us for my HSC. I am collecting people’s opinions on the topic and would appreciate your help in you answering this questionnaire. Your identity will remain confidential and your results anonymous, please answer all questions.

Occupation: ______________________________
Age: ____________________________________
Suburb: _________________________________
Religion: ________________________________
Ethnic Background: _______________________

1. Where do you normally look for news? ______________________________________________________

2. What is your main source of news? _________________________________________________________

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? ______________________
4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories?
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories?
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories?
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories?
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories?
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories?

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? _____________________

b) Why? ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain) ___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? _________________________

b) Why do you think this would be the case? ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? ______________________

b) Why do you think this would be the case? ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? _____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Thankyou for your timeJ, your help is appreciatedJJJ


Oct 27, 2006
South West Sydney
here is my mates one

Desensitisation in Australia
Where Does Empathy Lie?
The following responses will be held confidentially.
1. Age: _____________
2. Sex: Male Female

3. Cultural background: ___________________________

4. Were you born in Australia? Yes No

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? ________________________________________

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.

Yes No

10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes.

Yes No
Thank-you for your patience


Active Member
Nov 13, 2004
Age: 15
Suburb: Inner-west
Religion: Atheist
Ethnic Background: Asian

1. Where do you normally look for news? Sydney Morning Herald's delivered to my house daily. MX every school day, but it's trash.
2. What is your main source of news? SMH.

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? Non-tabloid Newspapers, Broadsheets like SMH.
4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? 3
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? 5
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? 3
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? 6
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? 8
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? 6

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? Obviously the ones that I'm interested in, or "major" things that should concern everyone. But of course, the newspapers would disagree and that's why they put the ones that they think would appeal to the general public. Definately not something about TV networks "boning" people or losing Current Affairs reporters in Africa.

b) Why? Because sometimes I only have time to read the first page before setting off to school.

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)
Nah. Sometimes it's just boring. Sometimes it's just mindless ACA-esque drivel.
8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? Quite a lot, the media influences everyone to some extent.
b) Why do you think this would be the case? Pretty pictures attract me. (Actually I don't know)

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? HEAPS OF INFLUENCE. Main source of information about the wider world, so obviously.

b) Why do you think this would be the case? Main source of info.

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? Sometimes I think that certain types of media can influence society negatively. It can make people prejudiced and close-minded. It's said that if a lie is repeated often enough, and appeals to people's emotions/fears/hopes, then eventually people will believe the lie. The media has the capacity to persuade society to believe things and think things that are discriminatory or wrong. But that's just my opinion.
Dec 17, 2006
Occupation: Student, I suppose.
Age: Younger than most my age ... group.
Gender: Undisclosed.
Suburb: Also undisclosed.
Religion: Religion is a fallacy; undisclosed/none/light atheist.
Ethnic Background: Middle-east... wait, I mean East Asia, Oriental. Uh, better answer: Undisclosed. In the grand scheme of things, it really should not matter.
Europe. North America.

1. Where do you normally look for news?
CNN, BBC, Wikipedia, Dialy Telegraph, SMH.
Some other liberal, or liberal-owned media; often, I turn to foreign media *I <3 NY (maybe not)*.

Admittedly, I do, on occassion, pick up the odd MX, only to dispose of it within a span of a minute or so.

2. What is your main source of news? CNN, BBC, scholarly informants' blogs, Wikipedia, Dialy Telegraph, SMH.

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? Non-sensationalised newspapers that do not run solely to fleece readers out of a hard-earned dollar. Media that has little to no point of view and deliberate bias.

Tangent: It'd be better if media were objective, even politically apathetic OR (they are hardly the same thing) impartial media, but that's not going to happen anytime soon.

4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 4 5 [6 7 8] 9 10

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? -2749256.
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? 4.
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? 4.
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? 7.
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? 7/8. (The score for this would invariably deviate for the particular matter.)
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? 5/6.

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories?
Well, non-frivilous stories that interest readers, of course.
Ah, I'm/I'd be pretty much quoting PrettyVacant for all.

b) Why?
Okay, why? Well, does it really have to be explained? The frontpage is used to attract the attention of the reader, which ultimately defines how much a media group will earn.

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)
No, hardly. If I wanted to read hokum, I'd prefer to be riveted by German/British war propaganda.
Now, as I said, matters about Steve Irwin, Peter Brock, Eddie McGuire (being a dick), etc. do not elicit anything but a elegiac sigh - what the hell has media become?
Anyhoo, if actual news, I'd say adequate, but if stuff like SMH, or The Telegraph, no. Care to explain? Yes, but I'd be letting my political stance and opinions seep into the explanation, thus, it'd be better off as a "nay".

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you?
Hrm, I could write out a thesis on this, given the time, and oft-unexhibited effort.
I'll just quote the learned PrettyVacant, whom I shall now begin to worship, or something like that.
"Quite a lot, the media influences everyone to some extent."

b) Why do you think this would be the case?
Again, same response.
"Pretty pictures attract me. (Actually I don't know)"
Hey, what the heck?

Well, being human, we seek enlightenment and keeping up-to-date; we buy papers and/or subscribe. [Jaded remark: Ergo, we are scammed of our money.]

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? Well, media is the mass propagation of certain ideas and information, if one is actually bold enough to use such a term so haphazardly; it's important to society in its right to inform the public with matters.
It has heaps of influence, as evident by means of election polls, etc.

b) Why do you think this would be the case?
I'd like to say, but I'm not sort of busy with pages on end of work.

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society?
Hold on, please.
I'll be sure to find my response somewhere.
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1337 }{4><
May 1, 2005
1. Age: 18
2. Sex: Male

3. Cultural background: Cuban - Norwegian

4. Were you born in Australia? (Please tick one of the boxes). Yes

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be?
Carbon trading, I would introduce it to increase the cost of coal-based power

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
People feel isolated by the size and overpopulation of the world. Big companies etc. being able to ignore such people. The whole "one person can't make differnce"

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
Day to day isssues - no one else is going to do them for me while other people, as selfish as it sounds, do do things about global issues

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?
Cost of higher education - infuriated
Global Warming - depressed
Rise of evangelical religious dismissal of science, bible of science etc - infuriated immensly

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.


10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes.

Thank-you for your patience


Occupation: retail supervisor / customer service
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Suburb: Hornsby
Religion: Athiest
Ethnic Background: Cuban - Norwegian

1. Where do you normally look for news? SMH.com / SBS world news

2. What is your main source of news? SMH.com / SBS world news / Science periodicals

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news?
SBS world news

4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 [4] 5 6 7 8 9 10 - for commercial news channels / papers

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? too high
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? too high
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? too high
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? too low
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? way too low
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? so so

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories?
Politics, international and national

b) Why? They are most likely to directly affect, in a big way, individuals and groups of people and they are something that we can do something about (voting, etc)

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)
No, I don't care for sport (mostly), human interest or entertainment news

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you?
Nothing huge

b) Why do you think this would be the case?
Main influences would be parents, teachers, friends etc.

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society?
A fair amount, eg mourning over celebrity's death

b) Why do you think this would be the case?
The human need to try and network, deal in information, seem to be knowlegable about the important. People eat what they are fed

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society?
Bit sad
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it ain't easy being white
Jun 30, 2006
Occupation: Student
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Suburb: North Shore
Religion: Agnostic, I guess.
Ethnic Background: Don't know. =/ My granddad came from Scotland, if that helps at all...

1. Where do you normally look for news? Everywhere, depending on what news I want to find. There's the E! and Biography channels for when I want my mindless movie dribble; Today Tonight for when I need a good laugh, The 7:30 Report and CNN when I actually want to know things. As far as print media goes, I read both SMH and DT, though obviously I don't hold them both in the same regard.

2. What is your main source of news? Um...CNN or SMH.

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? I have yet to find a source of media that I can accurately call "reliable". But for the sake of answering this question, I'll say SMH.

4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? 3
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? 5
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? 5
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? 8
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? 9
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? 8

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? Stories that are going to grab the reader's attention. The more controversial topics should definitely be headlined, that way you know there's a public interest in the topic and you're likely to attract both sides of the argument.
b) Why? I just answered this. =(

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)
Well, sometimes. To be honest, I'm more interested in crime and overseas politics, like how much Bush is fucking up the world, than the upcoming election. But I know that's because I'm the kind of person who wants to travel the world and has a genuine interest in the world around us. I think at times that we're living in a bubble, thanks to the stories the media chooses to tell us.

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? Quite a lot. I can't say I agree with everything I read and all of the reporters' stances, but I still love reading the varying opinions as it makes me more critical and aware of what's going on. Media also keeps me up-to-date with things in the first place, so you could say that's a huge influence on its own. Without media, where would we get the information on what's going on in the world? In Canberra? In our fucking local shire?

b) Why do you think this would be the case? I think I answered this...? I don't know.

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? A lot. For all the reasons I mentioned above.
b) Why do you think this would be the case? FOR ALL THE REASONS I MENTIONED ABOVE.

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? It can influence society positively or negatively, and that's all depending on the person who is exposed to it. Media doesn't make people close-minded, or unable to form their own opinion. It just brings those qualities in people to the surface. It can be used to challenge people on the issues and events that make up our world today, to bring awareness to those who might not know better. But in order to do that, people need to be able to have an open mind and an ability to grasp the idea that not everything is black and white. If they can't do that, then it's a reflection on the individual and NOT the media source. I think that's one huge misconception found today.


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
[FONT=&quot]Desensitisation in Australia[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Where Does Empathy Lie?[/FONT]
1. Age: 37
2. Sex: Female
3. Cultural background: Anglo Aussie
4. Were you born in Australia? Yes
5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? Religious tensions and unlimited tolerance of other religions
6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
It is too big to solve. Money availability limits real solutions (and global warming is a myth).
7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
Because they are more immediate.
8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?

Terrorism - unsure
Infiltration of non-christian religions into mainstream thinking - angry
Global debt - how can everyone owe everyone else so much money? Who owns the planet?
As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.
10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? No


Just ask for help
Jun 26, 2006
Occupation: Mother, Teacher, Author
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Suburb: Of Sydney near Ryde
Religion: Anglican Christian
Ethnic Background: Anglo Aussie

1. Where do you normally look for news? Radio

2. What is your main source of news? Television or radio

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? Radio and Newspaper
5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? Not important
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? Not at all important
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? Moderately important
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? Important
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? Worthy of note
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? Important

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? Ones that have a significant impact on the worldb) Why? Because we need to be informed about what is happening in our world and not just our own little piece of it. This is a global community we live in.
7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain) No. Because what I care about is Jesus and that gets no coverage at all because it is "religion" and too controversial (and yet eternally important).

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? Some

b) Why do you think this would be the case? Because it is in my face and it can bring matters to attention that otherwise may pass me by. Matters that I need to care about.

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? A lot

b) Why do you think this would be the case? Because, as Othello was, humans are "as easily led by the nose as asses are" and the mob mentality means everyone just follows along like sheep.

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? It is too strong. The media almost determines what is right and wrong, truth and lies.
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Cara Lee
Feb 7, 2007
I am currently conducting a study on headline news and who decides what is important to us for my HSC. I am collecting people’s opinions on the topic and would appreciate your help in you answering this questionnaire. Your identity will remain confidential and your results anonymous, please answer all questions.

Occupation: Student/working at macdonalads
Age: 16
Suburb: dulwich hill
Religion: roman catholic
Ethnic Background: Australian, aboriginal, newzealand

1. Where do you normally look for news? internet

2. What is your main source of news? internet tv and friends
3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? abc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10






5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories?
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories?
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories?
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories?
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories?
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories?

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? things to do with society such as teen suicide

b) Why? because it has to do with every day life that affects us

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain) sorry but i dont understand this question :(
8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? not alot because they focus on a minority

b) Why do you think this would be the case? because they cant influence everyone

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? no idea

b) Why do you think this would be the case? ____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? in away alot because what they put can be powerfull because they use words that give sensitive meaning to the words
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Dodgy Pen Dealer
Apr 5, 2006
Occupation: Party Host/Party Coordinator AMF
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Suburb: Campbeltown
Religion: Church Of England (Christian)
Ethnic Background: Australian

1. Where do you normally look for news?

TV...or ninemsn.com

2. What is your main source of news?

Channel Tens first at five...also A Current Affairs is good

3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news?

Channel 10 is pretty reliable...otherwise i trust ninemsn.com or the newspapers

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories?

No importance whatsoever...no need to be broadcasted

b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories?

Slight importance...not life or death tho

c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories?

More importance

d) How do you rate the importance of political stories?

Not of most importance

e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories?


f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories?

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories?

Terrorism, National Importance...

b) Why?

Affects everyones life

7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain)

Not particularly...Most are of sporting achievements which have absolutely no meaning to me...dont think it should be on the news at all...Also a lot about crime and i dont care for crime or idiotic P Plte drivers that give all the others a bad reputation

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you?

It highlights what is happening in the world around me

b) Why do you think this would be the case?

I can not see everywhere in the world personally

9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society?

It notifies views of occurences happening

b) Why do you think this would be the case?

Get a lot of attention therefore more viewers

10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society?

Good sometimes others tries to chove their views down the throats of viewers


Dodgy Pen Dealer
Apr 5, 2006
1. Age: 17

2. Sex: Male

3. Cultural background: Australian

4. Were you born in Australia? Yes

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? Global Warming...and terrorism

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
Laziness, know people not willing to make change

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
No, i am equally interested/focused on both local, national and international issues

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?
Global Warming, Terrorism, Shrinking world resources...not affecting me personally but affect the world i am living in dramatically

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.


10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes.



New Member
Jul 19, 2006
Occupation: student
Age: 16
Gender: female
Suburb: central coast
Religion: none.
Ethnic Background:um australian? and dutch.

1. Where do you normally look for news? newspapers, television, news websites.2. What is your main source of news? 9 news, sbs news, smh, and daily telegraph3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? they are all unreliable, they all have bias even if its unintentional. but non tabloid newspapers, and news on sbs.

4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories? 0
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories? 3
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories? 3
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories? 7 (but they're always biased)
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? 9
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories? 5 (they're just a tool to keep us all afraid)

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? world news. or politics. not the garbage they put on the front page now.b) Why? they're the ones that actually mean something, and actually have an affect on our lives rather than just being the controversial story that will attract people to buy the newspaper. and they are most likely to have some truth in them.7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain) sometimes. like september 11 and those kind of things that deserved a lot of coverage and got it, but then again we just got the exact same thing over and over in that coverage and it was all pretty bias views and once again just trying to spin it so that it creates fear, so that we're all afraid, because if we're afraid they can control us. but most of the time its just that current affairs style 'this is a human interest or entertainment story but really its just mindless drivel to fill in space because we've got nothing' which obviously, no i don't care about.

8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? not a whole lot. i like to think i have a mind of my own... but you can't deny that the media influences everyone.b) Why do you think this would be the case? its in your face constantly. you can't go anywhere without some sort of media forcing views and opinions on you, a lot of the time you don't even know its happening.9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? its the biggest source of information on what is going on in the world, so obviously its going to influence society as a whole, a lot.b) Why do you think this would be the case? like i said, its everywhere.
10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? lets just say, not good. they have too much power, authority and influence. it makes me pretty angry.


1. Age: 16

2. Sex: female

3. Cultural background: australian and dutch

4. Were you born in Australia? Yes

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? terrorism, i'm not keen on being blown up.

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
because people think its not affecting them personally here and now, so why should they care. also laziness.

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
yes i am more focused on the daily events in my life, because they are personally and immediately affecting me, and i can make a difference to them much more easily.

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?
they more affect the world as a whole but governance. the legal and political systems of the world are wrong, unjust and unstable, and this makes me angry, the cost of health care and the lack of medical care at all in other countries. its horrifying to me to think that other people around the world die from the tiniest illnesses that we just think nothing of because we go get some antibiotics and we're fine. and conflict, like terrorism and war, which make me both deeply afraid, and incredibly angry,

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes. yes

10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes. yes


May 30, 2006
1. Age: 17
2. Sex: Male XX Female

3. Cultural background: Half Hungarian Half Australia

4. Were you born in Australia? (Please tick one of the boxes). XXX Yes No

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? Youth dying on our roads through stupid boys thinking driving cars fast and drunk is cool.

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
Because they feel they can’t do anything on a small scale, its pretty hard to try and fight such a huge problem with only one person, even though it might take an enormous amount of effort out of you

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
I care mostly about issues that have directly affected me, or will directly affect me. Ie Climate change, I have family living on farms and climate change is evident, like wise I have had close friends die in drunk driving accidents so I’m very anti drink driving

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?
The oppression of women
Aids in Africa
Climate Change

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.


10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes.

X Yes No


Aug 3, 2006
Occupation: Student andi work casual at wooliesAge: 17Gender:_FemaleSuburb: _NewportReligion: I have no religionEthnic Background:_Caucasian. if u want nationalitys then half scottish half souh african

1. Where do you normally look for news? on the tv or the local newspaper
2. What is your main source of news? the tv news3. Which source of media do you believe is most reliable when it comes to news? newspapers
4. Rate the importance you place on the stories that usually get the headlines (1 being of the least importance and 10 being of the most):

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5. a) How do you rate the importance of sporting stories?5
b) How do you rate the importance of entertainment stories?9
c) How do you rate the importance of human interest stories?5
d) How do you rate the importance of political stories?3
e) How do you rate the importance of world news stories? 1
f) How do you rate the importance of crime stories?3

6. a) What type of stories do you believe deserve to be the front page news stories? __news which affects either the whole country/world or is of great importanceb) Why? because its important news that everyone should hear7. Do you believe the news stories that get most coverage are an adequate representation of what you care about?(explain) no because alot of the stories which get alot of coverage aren't entirely true or are biased
8. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to you? high influence because the media tells me whats important by having the most coverage on certain topics which i in turn take more interest in. b) Why do you think this would be the case? because the media is very influential in my life9. a) What influence do you think the media has on what IS important to society? same as the influence it has on meb) Why do you think this would be the case? same as before10. How do you feel about the influence media has on society? i think its bad because it has too much influence on how society thinks or views different issues when people should have their own opinions on things


Aug 3, 2006
1. Age: 17
2. Sex: Male Female

3. Cultural background: _Scottish/South African

4. Were you born in Australia? Yes No

5. If you could solve one issue which directly affects you, or will directly affect you in the near future, which would it be? Global warming

6. Why do you think some people may give up on trying to solve global issues such as global warming, poverty, etc?
because they may see it as too hard or have the thought that "oh, im only one person what can I do!"

7. Would you say that you are mainly focused on the daily events in your life as opposed to global issues which have been occurring for many years? Why do you think this may be the case?
yes i think i am because the daily events in my life are happening personally to me right now and i can see it happeneing wheras global issues dont feel as real to me as i dont see an immediate impact

8. Name three global issues you feel most affected by. How do they make you feel?
global warming
and animal cruelty/endangerment

these issues make me angry that people dont take care of each other, the world we live in our the environmend and its annoying.

9. As a result of these feelings, do they cause you to watch the news and read the newspapers more often? Please tick one of the boxes.

Yes No

10. Do you think Australia could do more to help resolve global issues? Please tick one of the boxes.

Yes No
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