Hey, are you a Normo Boy???
Well, we are disadavantaged, along with NS Boys and Epping. Now I have 2 days with 2 exams each - 2hour paper and a 3 hour paper, one finishing after normal school time. As it is called a TRIAL HSC, surely the timetable should be indicative of that of the HSC? And we were disadvantaged by another school, who did the Catholic Trial too early (there was a date on the front!) - shouldn't they have to redo it, or can they disadvantage us - theoretically giving them an advantage, without punishment. Although not the students fault, something MUST be done. It also eats up our study time for other subjects as we must now spend time restudying for english - and having the stress of resitting them again.
Out of curiosity, why doesn't every high school in the state do the same trials. Again, it is the TRIAL HSC, a common test, so surely these should be. Maybe it should also be marked by independent markers, as some schools mark more harshly than others. Although time consuming, it would be much fairer.