im pretty sure there were 3 problems in the "looking for a friend" algorithm and not just two.
*the "IF found = false"
*"stand infront of first person in line" being within the while loop meaning you would never check anyone else
*and there wasnt any "ELSE found = true" within the loop.
the other sort algorithm looked like a giant mess, took me longer than usual to get what it was happening. i had a blank in the test and forgot the difference between the different sort/search methods.
think the marking was a bit uneven. some questions which take a fair while to answer were worth too little marks while others a little too much. well in my opinion anyways.
i really should have done more study on paradigms, the 2 textbooks i have ive read the paradigm section over and over and all that i remember from reading them is "a paradigm is a method of doing things"...
edit: due to not being able to post answers i must advise that my post may or may not be complete babble