Ooooh!! another psychology student *grab n hugs*.
We've got a fair few 3rd year psyche students on here, including myself, cyan phoenix, skittled, maryjane, rage against BOS n urrm i think thats it... however i'm making up for my BBA so i'm sort of falling behind my fellow 3rd year psych pples coz im taking dry boring business units to make up for my double degree. However....
I am doing psy307 this semester... if your not into business, then don't do it!!! I think it's pretty cool, abit dry at times but the workload is do-able and the tutes are very structured and enjoyable, the tutors are all great and they've all been in the industry, Debra Pamula is great! I love her! she's like my idol.. she was a HRM manager and she's doing her masters in org psych, i think she wants to get into change management which would be my ultimate dream job, which is what... Furthermore the tutors all give you their real life experience stories , you don't have to turn up to lectures or listen to the lectures online either, 95% of the stuff is from a textbook... so if ur not into textbook reading/summaries then don't do this course
assessment structure is ... one mid sem quiz (easy-ish), major assignment (report) and lil stuff like attendance, handing out surveys etc and then the final
No doubt you'll get rave reviews of psychopathology by mj and cyan
(they've got me putting that into my program now).
I heard the learning one is hard-ish ... rage against bos might wanna say a few more things about this course.
Jamie loves his development subject i think
We're all pretty much doing the social ones, next semester.
Again welcome to BOS