I think that estimating a possible ATAR/ATAR range given this information is slightly more difficult than usual, probably because your current position is complex in the sense that you do not appear to be on track for a high ATAR, yet you do not appear to be on track for a very low ATAR either. Perhaps providing additional information, such as the number of band 6's achieved at your school in each of your subjects, would assist in providing informed ATAR estimates that can pinpoint your current position more accurately, allowing you to determine the extent to which you need to improve in order to maximise your chances of achieving your ATAR goal.
With that being said, I doubt that your current performance is consistent with an 80 ATAR. Your ranks do not seem sufficiently high across your subjects, especially English Advanced and Mathematics Advanced. You could potentially exclude Engineering Studies and Software Design and Development, where your standard of performance appears slightly higher than the rest of your subjects. Of course, you are definitely still able to rank higher in all of your subjects by doing your utmost to improve your performance in your upcoming internal assessment tasks/exams. Additionally, the HSC exam, which contributes 50% of your HSC mark in each of your subjects, is also a great opportunity for you to turn things around in your favour.
Keep in mind that, in addition to any improvements that you make, you can have adjustment factors applied to your selection rank, which increase your chances of receiving an offer to the Bachelor of Engineering (Honours). The good news is that UTS applies up to 5 points and takes into consideration HSC marks in the band 4 range and higher. You can also receive an offer through UTS's Early Entry Program (provided your year 11 results are favourable).
I hope this helps!