think about the success' speer had, and consider these ways in which he 'won' - especially in times of adversity when other people were trying to reduce hsi influence and power. would be important to mention that he got away with only a life sentence in jail and eventually was released whereas many got the death sentence. and remember that you dont need to agree. you could say he essentially 'lost' because he fell out of favour with Hitler etc.
again you can agree or disagree with this question - i would feel inclined to disagree because speer's background was that of an architect, but he ended up being so much more than that, and in charge of huge munitions factories etc, which isnt particularly related to his training as an architect (though you could alternately agree with the statement seeing as that was how he caught hitler's eye and became part involved in the works of the party)
if you want some more specific help, feel free to PM me, that was fairly brief