Hey man, don’t worry everyone is stressing for legal since it’s the first exam back from the weekend, but I’m not sure why people are saying it’ll be hard this year?? The syllabus isn’t changing for Legal Studies (thank god we can sell our legal notes lol), it’s unrealistic to remember each LCMS so the first thing you gotta do is read up on all the dot points, it’ll take long especially since everybody’s got English techniques and whatnot on their mind lol
Once you feel you’ve got your basic information down pat,’ you can test yourself especially with crime and human rights, use multiple choice generators or websites (the MCQ one is pretty good) and then do the hsc papers from past years, split it into sections because it’s highly unrealistic you’ll sit there fot 3 hours but basically study for crime and human rights first, do some multiple choice, short answers and the extended essay if you’re confident enough. Once you feel you’re confident with crime and human rights, study your LCMS and the dot points of your option one and again, write these in exam conditions (45 mins/40 mins idkremember) but yeah use the next two days and even this night wisely, read up, do past papers and I’m sure you’ll do well! Good luck buddy