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Anti-Semitism (5 Viewers)

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Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
You don't need to have soverignity over land to be considered nation. You can be a occupied nation, or you can be in a cooperation with a larger nation to for country. The Poles were nation before Poland was created. They had a common history, ethnicity, a growing economy, and land.


Dec 16, 2005
Last reply before I'm gone:

Poll: 97% of Jewish-Israelis supported the war in Lebanon.
Deaths, rode off as collateral damage.

Therefore, I am anti 97% of the Jewish adults who took part in the survey.
[Irony- Support Killing off One people, oppose killing of another.]
No, the deaths were not "collateral damage" but can rather be explained by the fact that Hezbollah was firing their missiles at Israel from densely populated areas. When Israel fires a shell back to disable the missile launcher, it predictably kills Lebanese civilians. Which is what Hezbollah intended. What, exactly, is Israel supposed to do? Do nothing to stop the rocket fire? Not defend itself? It was attacked without provocation while occupying absolutely no Lebanese territory whatsoever (as certified by the UN) and even though Israel neither wanted the war nor started it, you are blaming it for it? On what planet does this make sense?

This is why these threads are not worth bothering with. There is an apparently inexhaustible supply of doofuses who know nothing but feel an irrepressible desire to share how little they know with everyone, and then there are people like me who waste time correcting them. There's simply no point. The people stupid enough to have adopted views like fanatical opposition to Israel or downplaying of the Holocaust are too stupid and value reason too little to learn any better from a Bored of Studies thread.


Jul 2, 2004
sam04u said:
Stalin was a Jew, he killed non-Jews.
Stalin spearheaded a series of anti-semitic campaigns.


The anti-Semitic campaign of 1948-1953 against so-called "rootless cosmopolitans," destruction of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, the fabrication of the "Doctors' plot," the rise of "Zionology" were officially carried out under the banner of "anti-Zionism," but the use of this term could not obscure the anti-Semitic content of these campaigns, and by the mid-1950s the state persecution of Soviet Jews emerged as a major human rights issue in the West and domestically.
I believe the life of a Jew is the same value of that of a non-Jew. I am also appauled of the discrimination against non-Jews in Israel. If i had any authority in Israel i would promote equality and try end segregation.

Persoanlly i think Lebanon would be better off if Hezbollah disarmed. They and their sponsors (esp Iran) undermine the Lebanese govt with their armed militia and their extensive welfare programs. Compensation for the recent destruction is only provided to Shi'ite Muslims, so Hezbollah isnt much better than the Israelis regarding equality.


Active Member
Jul 26, 2002
Shiftyicequeen, yes, he did, but does it matter? No, it doesn't, so move on.

Everyone else, please be sure that you actually have some idea as to what you are saying before you post, and be sure to use the "Report Bad Post" function if a particular post goes beyond that which is acceptable - though I am watching this thread, any help in that regard would be appreciated.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
ZabZu said:
I believe the life of a Jew is the same value of that of a non-Jew. I am also appauled of the discrimination against non-Jews in Israel. If i had any authority in Israel i would promote equality and try end segregation.

Persoanlly i think Lebanon would be better off if Hezbollah disarmed. They and their sponsors (esp Iran) undermine the Lebanese govt with their armed militia and their extensive welfare programs. Compensation for the recent destruction is only provided to Shi'ite Muslims, so Hezbollah isnt much better than the Israelis regarding equality.
I do too, It could all happen diplomatically. But, it'll be harder to get them to disarm now then ever. Especially when the threat of an Israeli attack actually exists now in their mind. I don't believe a 'nation within a nation' should exist. I know about hezbollahs actions in reality they actually did want what they claimed they did, the 400-1000 Lebanese in Israeli prisons and 'perhaps' a settlement of the Shebaa farms. They say to "Iran" and others, we want the destruction of Israel, but only to get the funding they need. Lebanon is relatively poor, and they would otherwise not have the support to have an army and build and support lebanese people. (they're like angels to the poor lebanese, they buy them schools, pay for their schools, and hospitals and sometimes put the food in their mouths.)

The Leader of Hezbollah, never wanted a war, and the technique they used has worked before on two occasions.(Kidnap and trade)

1. Israel has over 500 Lebanese Prisoners
2. According to the 194- resolution by the U.N, Israel occupies 55% more than they were allowed too.
3. Israel is in control of the Shebaa farms.
4. Israel acted 'relatively' disproportionate according to Kofi Annan, an unbiased source. Are you suggesting he is 'anti-semitic', because if you do I'll laugh. Hezbollah operates in the Bekaa Valley (militarily), and not a single unit 'military' is stationed 50km south of Litani River. How could they bomb Qana? or Tripoli? Or other areas, which Hezbollah has never been stationed? Admit that they were acting in a way to 'scare' and 'annoy' hezbollah so that they would surrender, they thought the operation would be a major success.

If hezbollah apparently attacked from the unifil building, the airport, the radio station, the qana buliding, fleeing trucks with white flags, a red cross convoy, an aid convoy (clearly marked), a childrens school and a hospital. There would be evidence. There isn't. You're the idiot, Just be logical mate, be logical. (You're Jewish Bias is LEAKING, BE LOGICAL. )

It's the support like yours which is unfairly slowly turning me into a racist, and the people like ZabZu doing the opposite but even slower.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
I do. Because they're human and there is almost certain they didn't get a fair trial. I have humanitarian beliefs, I feel for other people because I'm a human being. I believe all people are equal, under my eyes, and under the eyes of the god (or deity) which I choose to follow.

I wasn't strangled to follow Islam, as you can see. My parents were fair, and never forced me to do what I chose not to. I asked to go to scripture, I asked to list on the census that I'm muslim. I can admit my family is not very religious, I could easily class them all as 'non-religious', I choose to like Islam. I hate when other muslims pity non-religious muslims. It's annoying, I know it may be to you too.

I don't impose my religion on you anti-mathmite, neither do the millions of other religions. You choose to be an atheist, you have freedom in Australia. Do you get that? Be proud, don't argue at peoples rights to believe that's stupid and I think you can be above that. Recently though, I was angry to see a so-called democratic country kill the innocents of another country under a 'white banner', scapegoating. It wasn't the most 'efficient strikes', just refer to the rest of my post instead of the one point to be fair.

I say there is no room for you here in Australia, because you don't see the fundamental thing that our fellow aussies battled for on the coast of gallipoli. I bet you know what I'm talking about, what Australia was established under (noted notably later), "A Fair Go". Give everyone a fair go mate, and take a seat in this discussion if you have nothing 'constructive' to say.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Are there any Jewish gang rapists?
There is all kinds of gang rapists (Include a group of anglo-celtic Australians), some of whihc may have been non-religious. Refer to the P&O Cruise.

Besides, that's just one example, there are bikey gangs, asian gangs, torres strait islander gangs, italian gangs, and there probably even is a 'jew'? gang.

Look at the numbers.

I'm pretty sure they would be disgusted, not because of the multiculturalism, but probably because of the 'disregard for religion' and things which were absurd at the time eg(homosexuality), other than that I'm pretty sure they would love Australia (which has since made a name for itself, economically and through sports.) Also, a country with many scientific discoveries (recently) and rapidly becoming a great country.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Jordan.J said:
Ariel Sharon was part of a terrorist group in fact
So was Uri Avnery, who is now a peace activist and adovocates a Palestinian State in West Bank and Gaza, with full right to return. He created the Gush Shalom organisation.


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
Anti-Mathmite said:
Why do muslims always .... bloody, bring up this same point.

"Wahhh wahhhhh, israel has palestinian prisoners"
"Wahhh wahhhhh, US has prisoners in guantanimo bay"

Who gives a flying ****?

Those people who are in the prisons deserve to be there. Would you like to spend a night alone with any of them in a dark ally? I don't think so.

What it comes down to, i think, is its just an attempt at creating ammunition. You don't actually believe its a bad thing that those people are in gaol, but so long as its something you can use against big bad Israel or the big bag USA, then you will use it.

Yes! I know! And if the large portion of christians can go about their day in Australia unnoticed, then so too can muslims and jews. It's this very element of unwillingness to change that makes immigration look so unattractive to a lot of Australians; People who are unable to step back from their religion and view religion for what it really is, a social/human construction, not some divine tabloid that, if breached, by not wearing a towel on ones head or not wearing some cap on the back of ones head, will result in someone going to hell.
Any religion which has such a monopoly on peoples lives has no place in Australia. A religion that demands that people be instantly recognised as a follower of that religion. How can one determine the difference between a christian Australian and an atheist? You can't. (Other than perhaps because the christian wears pathetic and nerdy clothes, lol).
Don't dress or act differently, and then complain when you are treated differently. Even if people ARE restrained and don't say certain things because they think it not appropriate to say so, do you truely believe that they don't THINK it? Of course they do.
I say the same thing for homosexuals. If someone can tell that you are gay by the way you act, then you deserve to be made fun of, because you're different. Sex is something that you do in bed. Someone should not be able to tell if your gay or straight unless you tell them.
theres a difference between a towel and a scarf, im sure u can tell that difference too :cool:


Active Member
Oct 5, 2003
also, i dunno maybe this is a naive question, but, so obviously theres jews and muslims in israel but are there christians ? is judaism the national religion ?


Revered Member
Sep 16, 2004
I thought a "national" religion is the most common religion in that specified country.

We have Islam as the "national" religion in Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi, Iraq, etc
Christianity (and its branches) in well every european, north america & aust.
Jewish national religion I think only exist in Israel, I can't think of any other countries..


Active Member
Aug 7, 2006
I believe a thread on the rise of hatred or perceived hatred towards the people of Islam is more important. If we were to create this thread why don't we give the Russians a go? They get unfairly called Communists and Mafia, they've had many of their people killed during the war. They deserve our sympathy because they don't ask for it. They don't fish for it.


Aug 15, 2006
Bayview Heights
AntiHyper said:
I thought a "national" religion is the most common religion in that specified country.

We have Islam as the "national" religion in Indonesia, Pakistan, Saudi, Iraq, etc
Christianity (and its branches) in well every european, north america & aust.
Jewish national religion I think only exist in Israel, I can't think of any other countries..
No, the most common religion is not a national religion. It depends on how the Govt (by statute) or the Constitution (if they have one) defines it.

Israel national or official religion is Judaism, but it is not a theocracy in which religious people rules a country like in Iran. UK official christian religion is Church of England. Roman Catholics are not allowed to marry heir to the throne nor became King or Queen.

Islam is national religion in Pakistan, Indonesia etc because the constitution explicitly declares that the country is a Islamic nation. Hence the name Islamic Republic of Pakistan etc.

Most Western countries do not have national religion, including Australia,France and USA. Despite having overwhelmingly christian majority, these countries prefer seperation of Church and state. India , an 80% hindu majority does not have national or official religion, it is a secular state.


Jul 31, 2006
Aryanbeauty said:
No, the most common religion is not a national religion. It depends on how the Govt (by statute) or the Constitution (if they have one) defines it.

Israel national or official religion is Judaism, but it is not a theocracy in which religious people rules a country like in Iran. UK official christian religion is Church of England. Roman Catholics are not allowed to marry heir to the throne nor became King or Queen.

Islam is national religion in Pakistan, Indonesia etc because the constitution explicitly declares that the country is a Islamic nation. Hence the name Islamic Republic of Pakistan etc.

Most Western countries do not have national religion, including Australia,France and USA. Despite having overwhelmingly christian majority, these countries prefer seperation of Church and state. India , an 80% hindu majority does not have national or official religion, it is a secular state.
Israels racial purity laws state that gentiles, non Jews, arent qualified for land ownership, healthcare and private education.

Racism if ive ever seen it.


Jul 31, 2006
yes there is a predominant Jewish gang.

they are often reffered to as the russian mafia.

They deal in sex slavery and extortion.


Andrew Quah
Oct 19, 2003
Sydney, Australia.

The Russian mafia is not limited to ethnic Russians, but to many nationalities from the former Soviet Union, most of which are now collectively known as the Commonwealth of Independent States. There are many stereotypes of the Russian mafia, including that it is dominated by Jews and Chechens.

Chechens indeed make up a disproportionate amount of Russian mafia members inside of Russia and Ukraine, and (arguably) Belarus. However, their presence is severely limited in other countries where the Russian mafia operates, notably the United States and Israel. Thus, while noticeable within the mafia's organization in Russia, Chechens play a small role in the Russian Mafia's overseas membership.

Russian Jews are also present in the Mafia structure, however the subject is complicated by several factors. First, more Jews are present in the Russian mafia's overseas operations than inside Russia because Russian Jews were more likely to successfully receive permission to emigrate the USSR via political refugee status. Second, despite Israel's Law of Return's explicit restriction of all immigrants (regardless of religion) with criminal implications from receiving citizenship, many Jewish Russian mobsters use evasive measures to still receive Israeli citizenship. Additionally, non-Jewish Russian mobsters often fraudulently claim Jewish ancestry in order to gain easier movement in and out of Israel (where the Russian Mafia has established a large operating base). Conversely, some Jews in the mafia either actively hide or do not acknowledge their Jewish background for various reasons. Finally, many ethnic Russians have partial Jewish ancestry, which they may or may not acknowledge. Because of these factors, it is difficult to determine the number of Jews in the Russian mafia. And while they by no means dominate the organization, a significant number of Russian mafia members do have Jewish roots.

The Russian Mafia also has a multitude of other nationalities such as Ukranians, Belarusians, Armenians, Moldovans, Khazaks, Uzbeks, Georgians, Dagestanis, Azeris, and others. Additionally, countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, and Moldova have their own mafia organizations which have extensive links to the Russian mafia.

In the end, greed and ruthlessness counts for much more than one's nationality in the Russian mafia, whose bosses' main concern is profit, not politics.


Save Sderot
Aug 15, 2004
Hunters Hill
umm i just want to know why is it that the jews believe that they are gods people?
Here are a few biblical references:

"The Lord did not set his love upon you, nor choose you, because you were more in number than any people; for you were the fewest of all people; but because the Lord loved you, and because he would keep the oath which he had sworn unto your ancestors." (Deuteronomy 7:7, 8).

"Now therefore, if you will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then you shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people. For all the earth is mine: and you shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and a holy nation" (Exodus 19:5, 6).

"You are a holy people unto the Lord your G-d, and the Lord has chosen you to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth." (Deuteronomy 14:2)
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