I played that game and no others for 3 years. Contrary to the above I was king.
15 accounts about 40 high level characters (the rest mules).
If i remember correctly my favourite character was a legit (as in no hacked items and no hacks used to obtain items) dueling hybrid Assasin. The equipment was as follows from memory:
Shako (Ber runed)
Ammy was a craft from memory, something like +2 sin skills, +cast rate, +15-20 Dex and Str, +life, maybe pris but can remember, it was significantly better than Maras though.
Armour was 1.08 Arkaine with Ber rune
WizSpike + SS with +3 shadow claws or Cruel Runic Talon of Evisceration + SS on switch.
Rare prismatic +IAS (just enough to get 8frame uninterruptable claw attacks) with +stats + a SOJ.
Boots were waterwalks? They may have been godly rares though, I don't remember.
Gloves were rares i think, cant remember exactly.
Inventory consisted of about 5+trap/+health charms + a whole bunch of small +life/+mana SC's and +life/+RW SC's.
She could quite often take down white ring zons. Stunlock with traps then dragon flight with my high level shadow + my CRToE on uninteruptable 8frame attack = dead cheaters.
I quit suddenly, and once 1.10 came out I tried it once more, then i quit for good. 1.10 IMO sucks soo much arse.