hell no, iam a very untrusting cynical person. Everyone has an angle and everyone lies, they will roll over you to get to their goal because only they matter. People usually think about this with money, like corporate fights and manipulation, but its true for everything. Ever seen mothers trying to get the best for their kid?
That said, i can trust people i know to act in a certain way. Some friends i know i can trust them to have my back in a fight[because they like fighting, or they have a strong sense of loyalty] other friends i can trust to be the responable driver, you know things like that. Secrets i dont trust to anyone unless i have to, i never got the whole idea of "friends sharing secrets" sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, why give a possible future enemy ammunition to backstab you with?
I mostly trust my family, but my sister is pretty socially unaware and gullable, if i say had hemmroids or something i would have to specifically tell her not to tell anyone, otherwise she would just blurt it out like this "well on saturday i visted my bro in hospital, he was in there to get hemmroids removed" even then its not a safe thing because she might forget she wasnt supposed to say something. My mum is the biggest gossip ever, never tell anything you want kept a secret. My dad is alright, but sometimes he tells mum.
i guess now you can see why i dont really trust anyone.