Originally posted by djfadz
Does anyone have Automated Manugacturing Notes i am in need of some real bad
Looking at the BOS main page, I havent been able to find any.
I don't do AMS myself, but this option doesn't seem too popular, I'm sorry to say.
If you're in need of some notes 'real bad', then perhaps you might like to make your own notes? (I don't mean to sound nasty here). The best way to learn is to absorb all of the information in the relevant part of the text, and to summarise the notes in your own words, in your own style, be it through a coloured pens system, underlining, highlighting, etc. (don't write in the textbooks though!).
The textbook covers everything, so you would be wise to read the text itself, recall what you can, and the parts where you're having the most trouble, read that twice, thrice, or a couple of times to let it sink in. Have a good night's rest, and wake up the next day, to recall what you've memorised. Write down some more notes, the main points, key words you're having difficulty with, and you'll be able to memorise a lot more with constant revision.