personally, from using them a little + more using them in tutoring:
for ext1, fitzpatrick is good for basic stuff but I find that it doesn't have enough questions to get you used to stuff. Patel: Good overall. Cambridge is my preferred text here, because it has lots and lots and lots of questions, and you can stretch yourself however much you want... (some of the challenge questions are really quite hard.. *bias: My former teacher co-wrote this. But its supremacy in this area is agreed by most of the people I know...*
although, some people don't like cambridge for learning because it sets things out quite thoroughly. If you want the hard and fast facts, go with something like fitzpatrick/patel. Better still if you just want the facts then get a summary book!
ext2: Umm. Tricky I guess... cambridge, patel. Stuff like that... if you're serious about trying to get all the questions (not that you have to... most ppl I'd say try to get the first 6 done quickly first, then work on getting Q7+8 IN THAT ORDER (no point knowing how to do Q8 if you run out of time in Q5!)), then use a variety of books + papers. theory-wise most of them are good...