A review of beneath clouds is part of the stimulus booklet...(Blood on the tracks) is that what you are referring to? If not, it would probably be a good idea to steer clear of the actual film, because it demonstrates a lack of originality if you were to use it. try to pick something a little more obscure, that demonstrates wide reading because that's what the markers will be looking for.
But, for the stimulus booklet text:
- Talk about how journeys can remove the individual from their comfort zone...
"We encounter our travellers heading for the borders of their respective identities..."
- Talk about how the journey can seem endless...
"What lies beneath a further-reaching sky..."
- Talk about how the physical journey can act as a clarification of direction or purpose in life. For example, "the orad metaphor acts as a signpost to its own significations.
“Signpost is defined as a provider of direction, indicating which path should be taken to reach a particular destination. “Signification” is defined as the process of coming to terms with the direction or path that should be taken, and may indicate a lack of clarity.
Thematic concerns include:
o Racial identity.
o Individual identity.
o Horizons and change.
o Combination of values.
o Continual movement and self-discovery.
The final sentence of the text implies that a “road journey” is a continually moving process. There can be no going back to re-assess the options. Once a decision has been made it is solidified, and the rest of the journey simply becomes a consequence of this decision. The same can be said of an emotional journey. When a decision has been made something inside the character changes, making it impossible for them to recapture the exact feeling or choice they once faced.