You do need to eat your breakfast coz that helps start your metabolism for the day. If you cant eat breaky as such, try having a small snack, such as a bit of fruit, and then have 5 other snacks/meals during the day so you dont get that starving feeling.
I always had breaky when lving at home, couldnt stomach weet-bix and so only had toast and that got boring and when i moved out i didnt really bother with breaky. Sometimes doing so would be fine, other times I'd feel sick if I didnt eat breaky. So now I try and eat soemthing, even if its not cereal.
Those up and go things are tasty apparently. I havent tried them coz of the thought that they are weet-bix more muclhed up than they get when they get soggy etc. Try those cereal bars.....they taste nice except they never filled me up.