hey, do you know of any aboriginal rights cases that we could find court transcripts to? Apart from Mabo and wik.
Transcripts? Not exactly, but the best I can do:
R v Robyn Bella Kina - [1994] AboriginalLB 15; 3(67)pg14
ie the case of R v Kina, which enshrined battered women's syndrome as a legitimate defence for murder. Cultural rights are upheld here as the law demonstrates an understanding of equity and addresses the issue of Aboriginal customs - specifically that to not speak/disrespect the dead.
Also the fundamental right to be recognised as a family unit. ATSI marriages do not fulfil the conventional definitions of marriage [as stated in the Marriage Act 1961 (Cwlth) and Hyde v Hyde & Woodmansee 1866], so a 'meet-halfway' approach was introduced by a 1986 parliamentary report titled
Twenty Years of Law Reform.
Ctrl + F "Daunton-Fear and Freiberg (1977)"