what's the latest day to change class, i can't find it~
EinstenICEBERG Einstein V2 Joined Apr 7, 2011 Messages 220 Gender Male HSC 2014 Mar 7, 2016 #1 what's the latest day to change class, i can't find it~
Shadowdude Cult of Personality Joined Sep 19, 2009 Messages 12,144 Gender Male HSC 2010 Mar 7, 2016 #2 pretty sure it was last week on the friday If you want to change now, you need to email them or something, you can't do it yourself
pretty sure it was last week on the friday If you want to change now, you need to email them or something, you can't do it yourself
D94 New Member Joined Oct 5, 2011 Messages 4,423 Gender Male HSC N/A Mar 7, 2016 #3 Yesterday was the last day. Enrolment covers enrolling into courses and as well as classes. Now you have to visit your school office, email etc. Must also get approval from the course convener (if different schools). Messy process.
Yesterday was the last day. Enrolment covers enrolling into courses and as well as classes. Now you have to visit your school office, email etc. Must also get approval from the course convener (if different schools). Messy process.