Complete Institutions Essay Including Scott Monk “Raw” And "Shawshank Redemption" (1 Viewer)


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Mar 8, 2008
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Institution can be defined as an organisation that is established for a particular purpuse. In this case Scott Monk novel “Raw” encounters from a range of good and bad features on protest, enforcement and compliance. Another text that clearly states the personal experiences of the characters with the institution is the film “shawshank redemption”

One of the major themes discussed in “Raw” is protest. This is represented through Brett the main character, who gets set to the the farm. A faculity run by sam for young and troubled boys. Brett rejects it by “just old mcdonald and a couple of geeses” shows that he has no threat over the the and does not believe in it with his statement “as if”. Brett protest against the farm “I don’t want to stay here and I don’t want to follow any rules” this remark enables us to understand his opinions and attitudes on the concept of being within an institution. Monk also represents the idea of protest, through his minor characters. Tyson the resident bully at the farm is virtal to the fact that some institutions are corrpt and do not always work. He continuues to play childish mind games with brett “like the eggs? I made that batch especially for you, notice how they were extra yellow? Like urinal” Tyson and the sisters from “shawshank redemption” are seen in simler ways, where they are both the resident bullys in the the institution. Emphised through “every so often Andy would show up with fresh bruises” and Bretts haircut result in power and protest. The voice over of Red “he never said who did it... but we all knew” have income on both the characters within an institution.

Further more Scott Monk novel “Raw” enforces the rules and regulations with inforcement in the institution (the farm) with four main rules sam as set out, No fighting, no leaving the farm, sams decision is final and no drugs. Though a negative impact of sam discipline policy is that it involves the treating of inmates as a group as mentioned within the lines “if one guy steps out of line, the rest of you have to cop the blame too” this emphasises the theme of comformity and compliance within the institution where as in “shawshank redemption” at the beginning the convicted felson are marched into the shawshank prision, they are bucked and chained together indicating there loss of freedom and individuality. Hardly beats a prisoner and explains “you eat when we say you eat, you shit when we say you shit and you piss when we say you piss”. Futher amplifiers their loss individuality by explaining “put your trust in the lord and and your ass belongs to me” shows they are selfless and it is implied that they will be treated as one.

In “Raw” monk shows compliance through dialogue between Brett and Josh, who choses to live at the institution by chose “I work here at my own free will” shows Josh has been institutionalised reflecting back to “shawshank redemption” on Brook also been institutionalised after 50 years. Red explains “inside his and important man, an educated man, outside his nothing”. Brooks hands on the bus seat is symbolic of his lack of experience in the real world. The shot of him trying to cross the road shows how fast the real world is, in the end he feels that the intitution has gotten the better of him and decides to hang himself is shown through “ I doubt they’ll kick up any fuss, not for an old crook like me” where as Brett becomes compliance after his return from escaping the farm. Brett realises his wrong actions, mistakes and attitudes, admits this to Josh “you know how you told me I was hurting my friends, I didn’t know I was until you told me” From this we see a dramatic change in Brett as he comes to full discovery, thus josh plays an important rule in Bretts compliance as well as his own self discovery. Compliance is also shown in “shawshank redemption” through the first dialogue Andy has with Red “to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison” Red explains “I liked Andy from the start” shows friendship between the two cons. Compliance is met with Brett accepting to do woodwork and Andy accepting to help Brooks with the library from both the novel “Raw” and the film “shawshank redemption”

In conclusion Scott Monk Novel “Raw” and the film “shawshank redemption” expresses the personal experiences within the institution through protest, enforcement and compliance. In society despite the fact that they contain similar ideas at the same time look at differnet types of institutions.

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