Apparently the tamagotchi-playing world is in an uproar - they reckon that the pollie is over-reacting. I'd prefer a parental lock than a ban or an R rating. What do youse think?Crusader seeks Tamagotchi ban
August 03, 2005
AN anti-poker machine crusader wants the latest version of the hand-held Tamagotchi toy banned because he says it encourages children to gamble.
The computerised pocket toy sparked a worldwide craze a decade ago, and a new version just been launched this year.
Tamagotchi Connection Version 2, which recently hit toy stores across Australia, is an egg-shaped toy that simulates the life cycle of a real pet.
The virtual pet eventually dies if it is not cared for properly.
On the fourth day after the toy is activated, it features a slot machine game and asks players to place a bet before spinning the tumblers.
South Australian No Pokies MP Nick Xenophon said it was outrageous that a toy marketed at children aged four and over featured a pokies-style game.
Mr Xenophon wants the toy banned or at least given an R rating by the Office of Film and Literature Classification.
The toy has a G rating.
"This virtual pet encourages children as young as four to participate in poker machine-style gambling," Mr Xenophon said today.
"Kids become so emotionally attached to these toys that they grieve for them when they die.
"This version ... should not be available to children.
"Research here and overseas shows that these games can turn the kids of today in to the gambling addicts of tomorrow."
One Adelaide father had taken the toy away from his six-year-old son after becoming concerned about the pokies game, Mr Xenophon said.
Tamagotchis were first released in 1996, and were the most popular Christmas toy in Australia the following year.
They were relaunched in 2004 before a redesigned second version was released earlier this year.
Comment was being sought from the US-based distributors.