My notes for multimedia
Ok ive taken the stuff lwaxana has given me...the 12 points and expanded a bit:
1. Types of Media - GAVAT (graphics,audio,video,animation,text)
audio is sound that is digitised
Images are pictures such as drawings, paintings and photos
video combines pictures and sounds displayed over time
animation is the movement of a graphic
text refers to letters, numbers and other characters
2. Hardware demands - files sizes ( remember no calculators allowed - so u just do formulae)
i still need to learn this
4. cellbased vs path based animation
Cell based animation involces drawing and displaying individual frames or cells
Path based animation involves displaying the movement of objects onto a fixed background in a particular sequence or path
5. people involved in MM eg designers, contents providers etc
content providers: provide marial for multimedia product
system designer: plans and organises the hardware and software required for the presentation
project manager: organises the scheduling of various components of the product, provides supervision of the components and ensures taht all components are deliered on time
technical staff: includes a variety of artists and technicians who edit the graphic and video material
6. 4 areas of MM - educat/training,leisure/entertain, info, VR/simulations
computer based training
muiltimedia encyclopedia
information kiosks allow people to use a touch screen and find out information about a company's services
virtual reality is the use of computer modelling and simulation to enable a person to interact with an artifical environment
flight simulator
7. Design principles - CNS (consistency,navgation,simplicity)
CNS Consistency, navigation, simplicity
consistent: layout, format and style should be the same throughout
navigation- people need to understand the structure and easily find wanted information
simple: users get too confused when too many design elements are used
8. Displaying - h'ware and software
LCDtoucjh screen
Data projection pannel
head up displays
presentation software
9. Collecting
10. Organising - storyboards/layouts - be prepared to draw some
non linear
lossy compression removes a number of data bytes from a file
loseless compression allows the original file to be recovered in full
11. storing/retrieving - compression & file formats
file formats ive got a table i made
some include ASCII, HTML, MP3, AVI, QUCKTIME, GIF and JPEG
12. issues eg copyright, integrity, use of internet
copyright is the right to use, copy or control the work of authors and artists
data integrity is the realiability of data. It involves accuracy, currency and relevance of data