Deciding between dropping Visual Arts or Korean Beginner Languages (1 Viewer)


New Member
Nov 17, 2024
First post here :) It's been a few months but I still haven't decided whether I should drop Korean or Visual Arts, so I've decided to post here.

I'm currently in a dilemma between which subject to drop, as seen above.

The thing keeping me back is that I'm doing roughly the same in terms of marks and progress in both subjects, so it's not a matter of picking which one "I'm better at", and overall I feel the same about both subjects (not too passionate, but I can do the work) so it's not "which one I like more" either. However, more on this is below.

  • As a PS. These days I've been more interested in Visual Arts, but I really don't want a 'sudden inclination towards a hobby' to determine the rest of my HSC course. As in, what if I suddenly lose interest in Visual Arts, while still performing better in my Korean coursework? And vice-versa, what if I keep doing Korean even though I hate the coursework, despite still being interested in Visual Arts?

I'll list down a pros and cons list, and let me know if I need to provide any more information. I don't want to make my decision based on what I 'currently' am more inclined towards. Also for prelims my marks were: Visual Arts = 5/15, Korean = 32/62 (iirc)
KoreanVisual Arts
Pros of Keeping This Subject> I can keep up with the coursework to a fair degree, including retaining the information
> Everyone I've consulted with has advised me to keep Korean because I do well in it anyhow, and Visual Arts is a heav(ier) subject that requires a lot of work.
> I can maintain friendly connections with others in my Korean class.
> Korean is a useful skill outside of classes.
> Based on my year 11 course, I can keep up with the work in Visual Arts if I work hard and sacrifice some lunch breaks.
> My friends who I love are in the same class (which sounds like a silly reason, so everyone can ignore this haha).
> I like art these days, and do want to personally keep this subject (although some doubts I've mentioned several times within this thread are of heavy consideration to me)
Cons of Keeping This Subject> The coursework is starting to become more difficult for me to keep up with, and it genuinely drains my energy everytime I have to engage in the coursework. I've started to loathe every class.
> I've lost interest in Korean (gained interest in Art).
> I don't want to keep this subject only to suddenly lose interest in art, losing the opportunity to pursue a more useful subject just because of a random liking.
> I'm worried that my liking for Visual Arts won't match the potential grades I'll receive, since this IS a HSC course. I don't want to have the passion, but not meet it with the marks.
> Friends isn't really enough of a reason to keep this class haha
> The coursework will probably be extremely heavy to maintain in Year 12.


New Member
Jan 21, 2025
If you work hard enough in any subject, you will be interested. So keep the subject which takes less energy from you to maintain that interest. Remember that visual arts is full of tutorials on the internet and many books are present to learn art. Many of the topics in visual arts are unlikely to be relevant to the type of art you like. I do not do any of those subjects, though. Generally if you do well in English and are a fast learner, you should keep the language subject. If you are a slower leanrer, you might want to keep Visual Arts. I do not think you need to worry about who's in each subject, as you should be able to see your friends outside of school.

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