<a href="http://www.codecogs.com/eqnedit.php?latex=\textup{Equation of tangent is }x@plus;y(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ \textup{Passes through the origin, therefore 0,0 satisfies this:}\\ 0@plus;0(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ b=2 \textup{ Sub back into tangent:}\\ x@plus;y(2-4)^2=2(2)-4\\ x@plus;4y=0 \\ \textup{Use a similar process for the other part}" target="_blank"><img src="http://latex.codecogs.com/gif.latex?\textup{Equation of tangent is }x+y(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ \textup{Passes through the origin, therefore 0,0 satisfies this:}\\ 0+0(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ b=2 \textup{ Sub back into tangent:}\\ x+y(2-4)^2=2(2)-4\\ x+4y=0 \\ \textup{Use a similar process for the other part}" title="\textup{Equation of tangent is }x+y(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ \textup{Passes through the origin, therefore 0,0 satisfies this:}\\ 0+0(b-4)^2=2b-4\\ b=2 \textup{ Sub back into tangent:}\\ x+y(2-4)^2=2(2)-4\\ x+4y=0 \\ \textup{Use a similar process for the other part}" /></a>