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Do you fear death? (1 Viewer)


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Figured I'd make a new topic as to not detract from the Does God Exist? thread.

It becomes quite apparent to me that the general thinking is "death is nothing to me, therefore fear of death is irrational" Epicurius said when I exist, death does not, when death exists I do not. Death cannot harm us when we are not around to suffer. We do however often want to avoid death either to get things done or just for the sake of avoiding it, I think little thought is given to the idea that living is not worthwhile (certainly not in the animal kingdom so I can't see how it'd be any different for humans), even when we are at great pain and the decision is made that we would prefer to die life is still given high value.

The thing of importance is not whether I have any reason after I die to worry about being dead, it is whether while I'm alive can I, or must I have a reason to avoid death. As long as I have things which I would enjoy doing after X I have a reason to live after X. It's much like if I desired to write something down, I would need a pen and paper. However I feel that we feel that death in its self is a loss. Drinking with friends requires no more explanation than "cause I felt like it" and neither in my opinion does the desire to live. But it seems that when it comes to a matter of life or death whereby I do not have any particular life goals such as avoiding further pain or continuing to look after my family I have no reason to choose either over the other. Without life I miss out on the possibility of many good opportunities, but I also miss out on many bad things and in a real sense I will not regret my decision anyway for I will cease to exist. However, we don't seem to treat life and death in such a way - We see living as a good thing and death as an evil, even if sometimes death is the lesser of two evils and it is not clear to me the 'reason' for this being true.

Fear of death I would argue is a pre-rational thing, taken in a rational context it is illogical however the fear of it comes before our rational mind touches it. We don't need to work out that death is to be feared before we fear it, we don't need to be taught in any way to fear it. It is somewhat like sexual desire - it is not the result of any sort of rational argument.

Fear of death to me is one way we have evolved for self-preservation, though it is not the only way... For example say someone is tangled up in some weeds at the bottom of a beach would not so much be struggling to stay alive as struggling to get the chance to breathe. Natural selection is therefore likely to select people who are more likely to struggle to keep oxygen coming in when it stops. This is death-avoidance without the need for the person to even think in terms of fear of death, however I believe the relation is fairly clear. There are many such automatic evolutionary reactions, fear of death seems to be something which creatures more capable of conceiving their own death might add to deal with more elaborate threats to their life. Many creatures can respond automatically, without any calculation to the threat of sudden movement near them, humans are sophisticated enough to fear the threat of say... nuclear war. Fear of death then, while being perhaps a more sophisticated form of self preservation behaviour is, as in line with the others, an automatic response to a perceived threat however because it goes through a reasoning process upon recognising such a threat, the behaviour that follows (if it does at all) is more in our control than the others... we can cope with our fear much better than we can a startled jump upon hearing a loud bang.

The state of being dead is not in its self a bad thing, it is the loss of life which makes it bad - However while being alive seems to be an advantage, if being dead is a disadvantage it seems we can not suffer it, just as none of us before we were born had to suffer our un-birth. However, before my birth I had no projects I might desire to complete, we are agents, creatures of action and concern ourselves much more with our future than our past. Furthermore would we not pity a formerly intelligent person who is perhaps reduced by mental illness to the content happiness of a child? Someone who dies could go on living a happy life, but instead they die... I was born on March 29th 1987, someone born before that date would be somebody else, I had yet to come into existence. Once I have a life, an identity, it is something which we can imagine going on further.... this question is partly answered by the concept of identity.

Let's say I'm the man who is reduced to the mentality of an infant tomorrow due to some accident... Who suffers? I would say that my current (i.e. present as of typing this) identity suffers if we are to focus instead of on the general well-being of this new 'infant chadd' but instead consider who I was and who I could have become had this accident not befallen me. I would analogise this with death, If I were to die tomorrow the 'dead chadd' non-entity would suffer nothing, however I was once alive and if I had not died I could have continued living, is this not harm? Perhaps...


Jun 28, 2008
why do you have RIP katie Squires in your signature?

is she really dead?


Jul 20, 2008
I didn't read your entire post because it was too long and I don't have the energy to read it.

I'd love to be able to sit back and say I don't fear death, but the truth is, it absolutely shits me. I've got so much living to do, and I'm afraid of it coming to an end before I can acomplish all that I want and experience all the things I want to experience.

I'm also afraid of leaving my dad and brothers behind.

But seriously, you live to die, so if you die prematurely, meh.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
JFK said:
Personally, I see three aspects to death that I consider when determining whether I fear it:

1. The physical pain of actually dying.
2. The knowledge that when I die my time in existence will have ended.
3. The knowledge that after I die it's all a moot point. I won't feel pain, fear or anything. I won't even be.

Now my attitude to each point,

1. I fear just as much as I fear any pain. I don't consciously think about it when I undertake my daily activities but try to limit my exposure to it whenever I undertake an activity that places me in the position of inflicting pain.
2. I fear. I don't see how anyone couldn't fear it. The only people that wouldn't are those that truly believe that eternal paradise awaits for them after death.
3. I don't fear at all. And I guess that's why I ultimately could say I don't fear death (or could see other people saying they don't fear death). Because regardless of all the other aspects to it, I know death is inevitable and I know once it has occured none of this will matter.
I think I basically agree with you, there is a sense in which I definitely acknowledge that after I die there is nothing I feel I have to fear... And I do feel that I could express a lack of fear of death in this manner. However #2 is what does lead me to claim a fear of death, I have an existence and I can at least conceive of the possibility (whenever my death is) of my existence continuing, so death does seem to harm me in the form that it takes from me my continued existence.... though #3 does make a point that whatever harm might happen, there does not appear to be any way for there to be continued suffering of any sort. For the most part anyway I don't see this as a conscious, rational decision.
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Aug 11, 2007
coordinates: bookshop
in reference to ashtons post, i fear 1, but not 2 and 3.

i mean, i dont want to feel myself die.

im okay with my consciousness ending - if this is all there is, it didnt really mean anything anyway, and if its not, i have no doubts that the "punishment" anticipated by some religions is entirely fictional.
Aug 11, 2007
coordinates: bookshop
JFK said:
If you don't fear 2 then at this moment in time you would be indifferent about living or dying.

And I don't think that is the case.
well, i dont know. i have a preference not to have it ended. but to fear the end is to actually attach myself to experiences i havent had. and i live through experience. i have no real concept of the future.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
scaredytiger said:
well, i dont know. i have a preference not to have it ended. but to fear the end is to actually attach myself to experiences i havent had. and i live through experience. i have no real concept of the future.
No real concept of the future? Surely you can conceive of the fact that if you get hit by a bus tomorrow you could instead continue to exist?


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
What I fear, is not being able to have control over the choice of life or death.

Being in that place, where I am just existing, because there is no other option that I can control.

That's what I fear, above the pain, above leaving everything in it's current state and not returning, and above reaching the end of the one way street.


Jun 7, 2005
I got 30 for my UAI woo hoo.
-Anfernee- said:
why do you have RIP katie Squires in your signature?

is she really dead?

Nah, I'm still here. ;)

as for death? if i think about death, i fear it, but as long as i live, i'm going to keep pushing, death is not on my mind.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
I so badly should have included a poll with this... but polls are so newscorp :(


Jun 28, 2008
scaredytiger said:
sorry, by "real concept" i meant "beyond ~2 weeks"

so, by that standard, its not that much to be attached to.

beyond 2 weeks?

There is still a slight fallacy behind that reasoning.

I'm quite certain that even you would have a rough grasp of where you'll be in a few months or years even.

attachment? What about the things you currently possess and the experiences and thoughts you've shared with friends and family..surely there would be some form of loss if you were taken away from all of this.

but I do understand your point of view and what you're trying to say. Thank you for your contribution and I respect you.
Aug 11, 2007
coordinates: bookshop
-Anfernee- said:
beyond 2 weeks?

There is still a slight fallacy behind that reasoning.

I'm quite certain that even you would have a rough grasp of where you'll be in a few months and years even.

attachment? What about the things you currently possess and the experiences and thoughts you've shared with friends and family..surely there would be some form of loss if you were taken away from all of this.
qualitative and quantitive concepts are very different things.

im not that attached to my material possessions.

my memories will only be lost if i have no consciousness after death, in which case it doesnt matter, and if there is consciousness after death i have nothing to lose.
and thats basically what my reasoning boils down to.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Enteebee said:
Alright Enteebee, I'm going to say a few words, and hope in doing so I will eradicate your fear of death completely.

I think all fear is based on not understanding. You can not fear something you understand, that is the simple truth. The same is true with death. To understand death, you have to first understand life.

Life is absolute misery. Life is a curse to man. Life is suffering! We have no pleasure in life. Our understanding of pleasure is merely alleviating our suffering.

Think about things you enjoy doing. They all merely exist to alleviate your suffering. You eat, because if you don't you suffer - you get hungry, and if you still don't eat you'll starve and suffer absolute pain. You have sex, because if you don't you suffer - you'll feel a need to release, you'll grow painful, a sharp feeling, an itch which you need to scratch. You play games and read, because if you don't you suffer - with such a complex mind you'll find you get bored, you'll get anxious, your head will hurt you need something to occupy your mind.

The same is true with your entire existance. Your life is filled with suffering, all you believe to be fun, all you believe to make you happy, they're merely alleviating your suffering.

Amd when you die. When your life ends. All that suffering goes away. Infact, death is the best thing that can happen to you. All your needs, suffering, stresses, pains, they all end. So why live right?

If you asked me how I wanted to die here is how I would answer.

I don't want to die instantaneously. I want a slow death, a slow and painful death. I want the pain to slowly ease, until the point I die where there is no pain. I want that pain to symbolise all my suffering on earth. Slowly leaving my body, as my body lays to rest. (And that is why I choose to live)

Also <insert my relious beliefs about Islam and an afterlife>
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Tiny dancer
Apr 30, 2008
I think i posted prolifically enough on this subject in the Does God exist thread....


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
I think all fear is based on not understanding.
I understand what will happen if someone breaks my leg, if someone seriously threatens to do so however I will fear it. I believe this would be even more true for someone who has perhaps had their leg broken before, in fact often people who have experienced something and understand it perfectly well end up fearing it more.

Life is absolute misery. Life is a curse to man. Life is suffering! We have no pleasure in life. Our understanding of pleasure is merely alleviating our suffering.

Think about things you enjoy doing. They all merely exist to alleviate your suffering. You eat, because if you don't you suffer - you get hungry, and if you still don't eat you'll starve and suffer absolute pain. You have sex, because if you don't you suffer - you'll feel a need to release, you'll grow painful, a sharp feeling, an itch which you need to scratch. You play games and read, because if you don't you suffer - with such a complex mind you'll find you get bored, you'll get anxious, your head will hurt you need something to occupy your mind.

The same is true with your entire existance. Your life is filled with suffering, all you believe to be fun, all you believe to make you happy, they're merely alleviating your suffering.

Amd when you die. When your life ends. All that suffering goes away. Infact, death is the best thing that can happen to you. All your needs, suffering, stresses, pains, they all end. So why live right?

If you asked me how I wanted to die here is how I would answer.

I don't want to die instantaneously. I want a slow death, a slow and painful death. I want the pain to slowly ease, until the point I die where there is no pain. I want that pain to symbolise all my suffering on earth. Slowly leaving my body, as my body lays to rest.
Kill yourself? I'm fairly sure I dealt with this in my initial post... a love for live and a view that death is an 'evil' appears to be an innate pre-rational trait in human beings on par with sexual desire. Why do we want to fuck X girl? It's not really anything rational, it's all pre-rational though it may be somewhat considered by rational parts of our brain... If you are human than other than some exceptional people I would take it that you love life and I really doubt any rational arguing otherwise is going to change your mind anymore than someone telling you 'you shouldn't want to fuck her, it's a pointless act etc etc' is going to make u stop feeling sexual desire.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Enteebee said:
I understand what will happen if someone breaks my leg, if someone seriously threatens to do so however I will fear it. I believe this would be even more true for someone who has perhaps had their leg broken before, in fact often people who have experienced something and understand it perfectly well end up fearing it more.
Someone who has had their leg broken before should fear it less. Because they know what's happening. Imagine you doing your HSC again. Do you think it'll be half as unnerving? Ofcourse not.

Kill yourself?
You too missed the edit. :D


Pan fried Steak
Mar 9, 2008
Nah, I don't actually fear death itself, but what I do fear is the pain prior to it. If there is any. Also, when I die, what will I become? I can only wonder what waits beyond.


Keepers of the flames
Jun 25, 2007
Someone who has had their leg broken before should fear it less. Because they know what's happening. Imagine you doing your HSC again. Do you think it'll be half as unnerving? Ofcourse not.
Well... they might fear it less, they might fear it more. Sometimes 'unknowing' can help us with a fear because we might underestimate how bad a situation will be.

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