Dogs Mead Puzzle! (1 Viewer)


Sep 7, 2011
In the middle of Little Italy
I may as well post my favourite math's puzzle I've come across. It looks extremely random and makes no sense yet if you break it down clue by clue, it becomes the greatest maths puzzle you'll ever complete! Took me 2-3 hours to complete but the satisfaction is amazing :). Very very basic maths needed.
If you need a hint, highlight the space after the colon:
8 and 11 across ask for years. Since it says below the year is 1939, it must have been in 1XXX. Hence 8 and 11 across start with 1.

Things you need to know:

20 shillings make a pound sterling
An acre is 4840 square yards
A rood is a quarter of an acre.
A mile is 1760 yards


THE YEAR is 1939. The place, a farm in southern England. A farm that has been in the Dunk family for many years. A part of the farm is a rectangular piece of land called Dog's Mead.



1. Area in square yards of Dog's Mead.
5. Age of Martha, father Dunk's aunt
6. Difference in yards between length and breadth of Dog's Mead.
7. Number of roods in Dog's Mead times 8 down.
8. The year the Dunks acquired Dog's Mead.
10. Father Dunk's age.
11. Year of Mary's birth.
14. Perimeter (in Dutch: "omtrek") in yards of Dog's Mead.
15. Cube of Father Dunk's walking speed in miles per hour.
16. 15 across minus 9 down.

1. Value in shillings per rood of Dog's Mead.
2. Square of the age of father Dunk's mother-in-law.
3. Age of Mary, father Dunk's daughter.
4. Value in pounds of Dog's Mead.
6. Age of Ted, father Dunk's son, who will be twice the age of his sister Mary in 1945.
7. Square of the breadth of Dog's Mead.
8. Time in minutes it takes father Dunk to walk 4/3 times round Dog's Mead.
9. The number which, when multiplied by 10 across gives 10 down.
10. See 9 down.
12. Addition of the digits of 10 down plus 1.
13. Number of years Dog's Mead has been in the Dunk family.

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