Good luck peoples. It's not too daunting, just say why you want to go, and do the usual, "I like the atmosphere of the uni and it seems like the best option to experience the best learning environment"...
well im screwed for it all..
but im just wondering.. all i have is the times, and what im going for..
how did u get notified of the panel.. or even where u hav it?
They do but its only for a few facilties. I got my letter in the mail today and lost it before i got a chance to read it Was there anything important on it other than the time for the interview.
only that you must register at least 10mins before your interview at building 11.. and there was a map.
Im here now for my interview at 2 (dont ask.)
just goto the Uni Centre. register. get a piece of paper and bag.. and ur set.
simple as pie
.. actually.. it also sednu must have your original trial report and 1 copy of it... forgot bout that.
i had to ruin around and try to get mine on friday.
sorry if this is too late. hope it all works out
good luck