So what u don't wanna do is to fall into the trap of starting your response with "To a great extent...etc". My teacher was a past HSC marker for module A, and he explicitly stated markers really hate it when you start w something similar to that.
The "To what extent" is sort of implied in your paragraphs - you don't have to explicitly mention it in ur thesis/intro unlike other questions. However,
for the rest of the question, you do what your normally do. (i.e. rephrase, quote, etc)
In fact, this type of question is actually asking for your input. I'm not sure about other schools/teachers, but we use personal voice in our essays. So here is where we implement that.
Also its an opportunity to discuss two things. I.e. So if you have an idea of the question that discusses one thing and conversely the other, that is where you'll be answering the question.
Any essay you write will automatically check off the "To what extent".