I, like a lot of other tutors who use tutoring websites to find students, am sick of how greedy some of them are.
Actively finding students for you → We do all the hard work for our tutors! We will continuously run ads to target students on Google, Facebook, Reddit, Quora and more! Your business is our business.
Super low fees → TutorHi only takes around 4 to 7%, and sometimes even less.
Weekly payouts → No one likes waiting - your earnings on TutorHi are paid to your bank account automatically every week.
We'll give the earliest tutors who signup a reward - by showcasing them on our home page once we officially launch to students.
We hope to make tutoring more fair and affordable for everyone.
Website: tutorhi.com/bsp/tutor
Feel free to DM with any questions
- Some take 20%-40% from every lesson.
- Others charge a bulky monthly fee!
Actively finding students for you → We do all the hard work for our tutors! We will continuously run ads to target students on Google, Facebook, Reddit, Quora and more! Your business is our business.
Super low fees → TutorHi only takes around 4 to 7%, and sometimes even less.
Weekly payouts → No one likes waiting - your earnings on TutorHi are paid to your bank account automatically every week.
We'll give the earliest tutors who signup a reward - by showcasing them on our home page once we officially launch to students.
We hope to make tutoring more fair and affordable for everyone.
Website: tutorhi.com/bsp/tutor
Feel free to DM with any questions
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