well i wish i studied, but i think i went ok...
i had 3hr geography in the mornig, so my hands were shakey and i had a headache...but oh well, its all over now...finally!
ooh yay another person who had geo as well......what'd you think was better? geo or sac?
imo geo...but if i'd studied for sac it probably wouldn't've been too bad...i was ok after geo...but i've got a bit of a headache now though...pretty tired too
it was ok, i seemed to manage my time ok, probably because i mis-calculated the first section - i did it in 40 mins instead of 50 and had extra time for the essays.
my hand was owwie..but ok now
i hate the board....they shouldnt've put them both on today...geo should've been earlier in the exam period....sac's always near the end
Yay I'm back! I'm glad most people here found the exam easy. I haven't looked at the paper yet, as this is my first post after my annoying internet went dead for 2 weeks...