Hey guys i was wondering if anyone like me gets cramps in their hands from writing too much??
last year at the begging of term 4 we had a study day out our school and the guest speaker said that she had been to a school where all the kids had taped erasers to the tops of their pens.
apparently it strengthens the muscles in your hands so when it come to exams you take the eraser off thusly the pen becomes lighter and apparently no more cramps. im currently trialing this so the first test will be my english paper 2 next term.
I'll keep ya posted on how it goes
last year at the begging of term 4 we had a study day out our school and the guest speaker said that she had been to a school where all the kids had taped erasers to the tops of their pens.
apparently it strengthens the muscles in your hands so when it come to exams you take the eraser off thusly the pen becomes lighter and apparently no more cramps. im currently trialing this so the first test will be my english paper 2 next term.
I'll keep ya posted on how it goes