Getting Started: Ideas and Motivation (1 Viewer)

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aww.. baby raccoon ^^
Jul 28, 2002
Hi guys,

To save the 05s some stress (or to make them stress more), I'd like to just quote some things from previous years who have finished. Feel free to add to this list to give the new guys some advice!

Please note that any OT posts will be deleted.

ur_inner_child said:
Don't panic hun. I've posted this in another forum, but here ya go...

Jot some of your answers to these questions down. I'm also thinking of the syllabus as well as assessment tasks as I ask you...

-What are you most passionate about? (This should let you motivate you)

-What do you want to tell the world? (Sense of purpose or direction)

-What do you WANT to know more about? (Research aspect)

-What aspect of English Extension 1 or Advanced English have you found interesting and would like to extend on it a little more? (In the course you are required to explain how your project is an extension of these courses)

-What medium have you had the most experience in and/or want to expand on? (Help you with confidence so you have room for experimentation)

-What connections do you have eg: People with great multimedia knowledge or friends and relatives who are writers etc (This will help you with your medium as well as boost your mark for extensive independent investigation)

-What are some of the injustices of the world eg: dominant discourses such as the "otherness" of women (Another purpose thing)

If you can't think of an idea now, at least think of the medium or concept. Remember that a "concept" is not as simple as a plot narrative or whatever. Perhaps you want to question the boundary between memory and reality blah blah blah.

I think those questions should get you started. The more answers, the better prepared you'll be.

stargaze said:
I'm guessing its along the lines of:
- passion for english
- passion for the topic of your major work
- natural ability in writing/english..
- want a subject that u can work at your own pace
- filling up units
- scale ?

~*~Karina~*~ said:
You definately need to have a love of writing, and be willing to experiment with anything..and it helps if you love reading and are able to draw inspiration from other authors, because that really helps you shape your story.
Self-discipline is also important...that was one of my problems. You really have to keep up a continued effort over the year...and write for a few hours a week at least. Don't leave it all until the week before it's strict with yourself over the year, and that way you have time to change and improve your ideas, instead of just having to write it all at once and not having time to really decide what works well. But having said that, some people (like me) are hopeless at planning and composing things long term. I like to write under pressure, to a deadline, so if you're like that, you can do well too...
Except, i disagree with your last point, glitterfairy. I had a love/hate relationship with my story...I loved writing it, but sometimes stuff just doesn't can get quite violent, because you want it to be perfect. But it will be your baby at the end of it all, and you will be pleased with your work, and undoubtedly, you'll go well...I'd recommend ee2...

jhakka said:
I wanted to do Ext 2 since Year 10 when I first heard about it. I'd always enjoyed writing (though I wasn't very good at it), and wanted to be able to do a course where a good part of it is based on creativity rather than comprehension, analysis and all that jazz.

If you enjoy being creative and working on your own thing, Ext 2 is the best choice you can possibly make in High School (closely followed by not doing Ancient History - a choice I was too stupid to not take).

glitterfairy said:
Tell you what. Why don't you try it for at least 6 months - you really won't do all that much in the first 2 1/2 months anyway - and then see how you feel at the end of that.

Gotta say, the assessments for EE2 were ones I actually looked forward to. All you have to do is talk about your baby. You have to struggle to remain under the 5 minutes

It's kinda interesting how everyone got hooked onto EE2. I was apprehensive about doing it up will the end of Term3 Yr 11, because I just thought it was too scary taking on a 'serious' Extension 2 subject - then you start doing it, and it's the funnest, laid-back thing you've ever done... and you love it...
glycerine said:
oh i loved ext2 no matter how frustrating it got. it's so worth it to have a finished product to be proud off. plus it's *really* easy to get 50/50 for your internal mark
ujuphleg said:
but i wouldn't recommend doing 4U if you are merely filling up units or looking for a subject that scales well.


New Member
Nov 3, 2003
Come up with a really good idea. It will then begin to evolve - let it. If you be stubborn then you will not score well.

Motivation - If you stuff up or don't work hard enough, you will fail the hsc and live your entire life on the streets.


Thread closed.

Lynn and I want to do some work on this forum, including fresh threads for the Assessments. Stay tuned.

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