jess083 said:
Thanks for the reply. I have applied to UWA first and then Murdoch. ECU dont have grad law, which is ok cos I didnt really want to go there anyway. I didnt apply to Notre Dame as my results werent out in time so missed the date.
OK. UWA and Murdoch are the two best choices anyway, so I wouldn't worry too much about Notre Dame.
jess083 said:
I am hoping I get into UWA as they are the only uni I can see that has a medicine and law unit, and thats the area I am interested in. With the grad law they said the unit load ranges from 4 - 6 units a semester.
A 4 to 6 unit load each semester shouldn't be too bad. I was doing a 5 unit load and usually had 10 or less contact hours (lectures and tutorials) each week, with as much extra study as you want to do.
I'd take a look at the Alternative Faculty Handbook that the Blackstone Society (the law student group) put out each year. Its written by students, and takes in a lot of feedback from people who actually took the unit. You can get it at
jess083 said:
At UWA did you know anyone who was doing the grad law pathway. Just wanted to know if all the groups mix (undergraduates and grads).
I knew a fair few grad students. The grad group is a really tight knit group - they put on a good number of shows and gatherings. The mix is a little strange. The younger first and second year kids don't mix much with the grad groups - thats more to do with age differences. First years are 17 year olds who don't have much in common with 23-24 year olds.
The grads mix well with the older undergrad students - you'll find a large number of fifth and sixth year undergrads in Law who are 22 or 23 years old. Some people will be 3-year-course grads, 4 year undergrads, 5 or 6 year double degree undergrads, 7 year part timers. With so many people, it really doesn't matter what "year" you're supposed to be in, you'll meet plenty of people in other years.
jess083 said:
I have been reading on this other forum that its really hard to get articles. Have you found this? And that you need over 70% to even be considered.
Haha, I wouldn't worry too much about the scaremongerers over on the Vogue forums. They seem oddly bitter and disillusioned. Getting articles at a big commercial firm is always competitive - but a lot of the time it comes down to application and interview technique.
I personally chose not to go into law, so I didn't go through the articles application process. But I personally know of only one or two people who wanted articles and didn't get them. Some went to the big firms, some went to the smaller independent firms. But most people end up finding articles somewhere.
jess083 said:
Can I also ask what other degree you did. I was worried because I have a nursing degree I may be at a disadvantage when I am up against people who have a business or other degree.
I did a Commerce degree at the same time. Don't worry about being at any disadvantage, you won't be. Studying law is so different to studying other courses that everyone starts on the same foot.
I would go so far to say that aside from a unit called Corporate Securities and Regulations, my Commerce studies were completely irrelevant to my law units. So don't worry about this aspect, you won't be disadvantaged.
jess083 said:
Hope you dont mind all the questions sorry I went on a bit.
No worries at all, we're all on this board to help out.