No, inequalities are NOT hard. Here are the usual tricks:
1. Bring all to one side and prove either strictly non-negative or non-positive (whether it be <= or >=)
2. Try AM>=GM ALWAYS (even if you can't see it). See a product on one side and a sum on the other? Think AM>=GM. Can't see how it's remotely related to AM>=GM? Simplify and try again.
An example: Given a,b,c > 0 and a+b+c = 1:
Prove (1/a - 1)(1/b - 1)(1/c - 1) >= 8
3. 2 variables x,y, and have a relationship between x, y: Convert inequality to one variable, bring to one side and DIFFERENTIATE!
E.g. x + y = k
Prove 1/(x^2) + 1/(y^2) >= 8 / (k^2)
4. Something with n in the equation (where n is a positive integer), try induction.