HELP - Blade Runner & Frankenstein Essay (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 21, 2013
Hey all ,

I am stressing as I am so confused what I should write for my essay question !

"While Frankenstein and Blade Runner were not critically acclaimed at the time of production, both texts are now viewed as valuable because they broke through the boundaries of their time. Explore this statement with reference to both prescribed texts."

ALSO idk what I need to add, as in how many quotes etc to gain a band 6, I am so stuck because every time I have sent a previous assessment I haven't been told what to change to make it better and I don't know how to get those last few marks I need !

Any help appreciated :)
Last edited:
Feb 23, 2014
Module A is called Comparative Study of Texts AND CONTEXTS, so writing about the times in which the composers lived is an important part of the topic. In Advanced English, the VALUES of the composers and their societies are also significant.

O.K. I think that this question is asking you to look at the issues in the texts and how these were different to what most others believed/thought valued at the time in which they were composed. These same qualities are relevant and valued by contemporary audiences.

For example, both Shelley and Scott are concerned about the consequences of scientific experimentation on firstly the creations formed and then secondly, on the environment. Shelley was writing in a time that saw advances in science as largely positive (first use of electricity) and its possibilities seemed endless. A novel which posed questions about the dangers of such creation and the arrogance of the men who did not look ahead to any negative consequences (written by a young woman) did not gain much credence. Likewise, Scott directed his film when globalisation and science offered so much. Of course, these issues do have many positive qualities, but where does such experimentation like cloning lead? Shelley suggests the horrors and the potential of widespread destruction, but it is Scott who clearly shows us this potential realised-a world with no children, no natural plants or animals and one which is filled with pollution for the sake of corporate greed.

So basically, I think you are being asked to examine the views of the early 19th century on experimentation, scientists, the rights and responsibilities of individuals and see how these were represented by Shelley in "Frankenstein". Then, look at the general (Western) attitudes to science, globalisation and the environment in the late 20th century and how these are supported or criticized by Ridley Scott in "Blade Runner." In what ways, and where and how, did these composers go beyond the values and attitudes-"the boundaries" of their times?

Finally, in my experience (and I've been teaching a long time) you are better off to have a number of brief integrated quotes than a few longer ones. The aim is to show "textual detail", so there is no real finite number. You are trying to prove to the marker that you have a substantial understanding of the module, supported by detail from the texts about which you are writing. There are books of past sample essays available to be purchased from the Board of Studies which give you access to Band 6 responses for every question. Hope this helps.


Premium Member
Aug 23, 2012
Uni Grad
This essay question is essentially saying that both texts were not particularly popular when they were initially composed because they explore some very radical ideas that was difficult for the people at the time to imagine. However, it is because of the radical nature of these ideas-whether it be-a didactic warning against tempering with God's creative prerogative, the detrimental effects of abrogation of parental responsibilities etc-these ideas are timeless-because we can see that these ideas are both examined in Frankenstein and Blade Runner-two texts which were composed more than 150 years apart.

Essentially, you need to demonstrate the timeless nature of the thematic concerns examined-whether it be similar or different-and RELATE IT TO THE CONTEXTUAL CONCERNS/VALUES of (including political, social, cultural) that the texts were written in. It is crucial you put a substantial amount of essay to relating the context-because this module is called a 'comparative study of texts and contexts', furthermore, usually there is no fixed amount because you will usually have more cinematographic techniques than you have literary ones. Hope this helps:) Perhaps ask other English teachers in your school to look over your past works and see whether they are able to give you feedback:)


New Member
May 21, 2013
Thank you so much, I handed my essay in today ! I think I covered those things, the best I could :) Thank you very much :)

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