IT (VET) is more geared towards the supporting side, how to communicate with clients, and how to operate and fix the PC, and the fundamentals of PC's. IPT on the other hand really studies about the data, and the inner workings of computer systems. They are two different courses, but for a general computing user you would see it inter-relates with each other.
There's not much called tips for this course, you just have to work hard, there's two parts to this course the actual IT (VET) Exam, and the actual Certificate you're working for, Certificate side is baed on the comeptency tasks you do in class, comeptency tasks are more easy as you only require a pass or fail that's it, no marks involved in it.
IT(VET) one thing interestingly is, although at my school they had exams etc and assignments, and they had rankings, these didn't take affect at all, not like the other subjects which include the internal assessment marks to calculate your HSC mark, IT doesn't, it's what you got for your actual Exam is what your HSC mark actually is.
Resource wise, you might want to check out the main site
there's really no set method to studying this course as their isn't even a well formed syllabus, but i know of a textbook available for now. Just work hard, and whatever tasks is given do it and understand it, post here for questions i'm on here alot to answer them. Take a look at past papers from the official BOS site, Good luck with your studies.