How hard is it to get really good marks in the IPT Major? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Apr 22, 2015
Hi guys I was wondering how difficult it is to get really high marks in your IPT major, like 95 percent and above, preferably 100 LOL. I have been sending drafts to my teacher and he hasn't bothered to check them and is making me very nervous and worried :(

I am doing a game, which atm is probably the most complex one. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
May 12, 2014
Las Vegas
i got 100 for my first IPT major and was very easy tbh. Write a lot of stuff and in detail and try to make your's stand out. i have a multi major issued today and will get 100 in it hopefully too.


I'm your density
Mar 23, 2014
hey there! i got 99.5 for my major and it wasnt too difficult to be honest! i did a database that held a whole bunch of 'interesting things' about midsommer murders the tv show, and people can search through and find statistics etc.
about what's most complex:as astroman said, its all about personal preference. i found a database pretty DULL but quite easy. i did it in 4 weeks, becuase i realised that my film (the first thing i did) was getting NOWHERE. however in terms of getting marks, the thing to make sure is how you address criteria. The criteria for the film and the game were very loose and difficult to check-list fullfill, however for the magazine and database it was a very simple - 'i got it, i get the mark', so it wasnt as subjective. THats why the entire IPT grade made databases.

the thing about getting a good mark is to fulfill the criteria. I forgot what it would be for a game, but if there is a list of what you need to include, then that is what you do (obviously.) That's about it. iT needs to function, the images should be of a high resolution (not pixelated and jaggy). You cant realy lose marks in it unless things are glitchy, and it doesnt look good.
the main part is the documentation. it is half the entire mark, so make sure you dont leave it to the last minute, because its meant to be like 50 pages!! all the things that are in the criteria, you should somehow include in the documentiation (normally in the corresponding parts of the SDLC, or between design and implementation). However my school allowed us to add an extra document with all the 'screenshots' of the fulfilled criteria, in addition to the 50 pages. Make sure you follow the SDLC with every single step! The surverys, requirements report, feasibility study, letter to the client that got 'signed', the storybaords and data flows etc. etc. Add a contents page and bind it (helps with adding a 'proffesional touch').

Dont worry, just get down to it, and write a journal every week/2 weeks, so you dont have to BS it all at the end. You can send some stuff to me if you want, i can have a look at it, but dont trust that i will be able to help you that much. I will be posting my major project up here later on, but i cant be bothered yet. I can send you my documentation if you're interested (it got 49.5/50).

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