I made a solubility/flame test quiz website (1 Viewer)


Jul 8, 2021
Hey guys,

I just made a solubility/flame test quiz website to help me memorise solubility rules. The website is live here: https://hscchem.yyjlincoln.app/ and I will be running it for at least today and tomorrow. Can't guarantee it will still be up long after I graduate though.

The source code is available on Github: https://github.com/yyjlincoln/Solubility. Feel free to correct me if there is any errors in data by opening a Pull Request or DM me. Please keep in mind that I wrote this whole thing within like 2 hours or so and the code quality is quite shit. (didn't have time to optimise it or pack them into different modules/functions. I just wanted it to be out as soon as I could so that I have more time actually using it than coding it). This project does not represent my ability to code in any way.

Hope this site helps! Good luck with the exams!


I'll probably add an open-source license to that repository after the HSC so you can deploy it yourself after mine is offline... Can't be bothered to do it right now though.

If it shows "Internal Server Error", that means I'm updating the website. Please refresh after 30 seconds and it should work again. Sorry for that. If the problem persists for over five minutes, please DM me and I'll have a look (although I might be revising for the exam so I might not be able to see it).

*Updated 29/11/2021: Changed the page URL
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