In a dilemma - please help. (1 Viewer)


New Member
Aug 28, 2013
I have 2 children who currently go to a local public school. My son is in year 6 and my daughter is in year 5. Next year, my son heads off to the high school. Here is the dilemma. Do I send my kids to a private high school or a public high school? Both my children have passed the exam to attend a private high school of my choice - fees are $8000 per child (16k for both) - I can afford that but of course, it just means they will miss out on some other things.

My daughter is an above average student whereas my son is just average. He needs a lot more one-on-one to help him through study.

Local girls high school ranked 170 in HSC last year whereas the local boys high school ranked 310 in HSC last year. The private school I am thinking about ranked 96 in HSC last year.

Does it make a difference which school kids to? Academically & Discipline wise? I am more worried about my son because I have heard the public high schools for boys are very rough. My son is a very gentle boy - not sure how he will deal with roughness.

On an academic level, do they push your more in a private system? Will your results definitely improve if you are in a private system simple due to their teaching style? As they have more homework, have frequent exams for kids etc etc. Currently, in public school, they hardly get any homework (which I don't like).

Please, your feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks guys.


Active Member
Jul 9, 2012
Unfortunately not a lot of these questions have one clear-cut answer. Going to a private school by no means guarantees better marks in the HSC although generally most private schools will have a strong academic mindset which may help to encourage your children to focus. In saying that a lot of it comes down to the individual, for example I know people who have gone to a top 10 private school in Victoria who have done no where near as well as some of my friends who went to public schools. On AVERAGE however those in the higher ranked schools tend to do better as depicted by the higher rank. Private schools may also offer a more competitive environment which could either encourage your children or possibly even increase stress, as already mentioned it comes down to the individual.
Have a look at some of the non-academic aspects of each school as well such as extracurricular activities offered, career advisors and facilities as these things are important also.

I hope this has helped in some way!

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