happy little vegemite
Done a modules paper other than the CSSA one?
So, did anyone here do a trial other than the CSSA one?
The one I did involved an essay for module A discussing values and contexts of audiences, a speech for mod B (King Lear for me) which was directed to 2006 HSC students that would be studying King Lear next year and another essay for Mod c (Frontline) which asked how the texts I studied shaped my understanding of the concept of "telling the truth".
So, did anyone here do a trial other than the CSSA one?
The one I did involved an essay for module A discussing values and contexts of audiences, a speech for mod B (King Lear for me) which was directed to 2006 HSC students that would be studying King Lear next year and another essay for Mod c (Frontline) which asked how the texts I studied shaped my understanding of the concept of "telling the truth".
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