I don't know if you already know this, but I'll say it anyway

The key to getting good marks is to pay attention to the verb in the question. (eg Explain, Analyse, Recount)
It details how much info you should give or how detailed and sophisticated you're response should be.
You can blabber all you want, but if you don't answer the question as the verb requires you to, then you will not get the mark you want.
Some verbs require a lot more detail than others.
For example, "Critically Anaylse" requires you to bullshit a lot

But you gotta know what to write while you're bullshittin, you can't juss describe the stuff you know...
You gotta closely analyse the question, make comparisons etc esp when dealing with that kinda verb...
So yeh, thats basically it...
Pay attention to the verb in the question.

Its a good idea to get a glossary of terms from your teacher if you don't already have one.
They explain to you what level of response a particular verb requires.
Or if you're the lazy type... you can search for one on the net

There's bound to be one lurking around somewhere...