Wouldn't know, only ever did year 11 Legal Studies, and that was before the new 2011 HSC syllabus was introduced to make the course more accessible to students. I don't know. Ask Schoey93 if he's still around, he's doing year 12 Legal this year, he enjoys it, says its very relevant and that in class they get to discuss current issues. Personally, I have to learn about the Food Act 2001 and the Food Regulations 2003, plus the ACC (Australian Consumer Competition) Act 2010 (Cth) which replaced the Trade Practices Act 1974 (NSW) - as they are relevant to working as an apprentice chef or qualified trade cook, which is what I'm working towards through my vocational studies in commercial cookery; I hate the law with a passion. It serves a useful purpose to protect society and preserve the integrity of lawmakers and members of public service professions, however it is in general rigid and inflexible (like a stiffy, ha!) and as society moves ahead, the law limps behind.