study budd[Y]
Reformist Nerd
Can anyone outline some hardcore points about how The Jewish community uses the rite of public worship:SYNNAGOGUE: to u know...enforce der spirituality,conect with believers blah blah blah!
i would appreciate notes that i could use directly in my HSC responce!
THank heapz!
PS..I have a COMPLETE 96 page excercise book on just HARDCORE RE 1 unit notes ..made by covers all d topics, except religious rites concering jews!Msg me if u wana trade.
Can anyone outline some hardcore points about how The Jewish community uses the rite of public worship:SYNNAGOGUE: to u know...enforce der spirituality,conect with believers blah blah blah!
i would appreciate notes that i could use directly in my HSC responce!
THank heapz!
PS..I have a COMPLETE 96 page excercise book on just HARDCORE RE 1 unit notes ..made by covers all d topics, except religious rites concering jews!Msg me if u wana trade.