dont go 2 em...they're a waste of time... i didnt go 2 1 coz its basically repeating wat the teacher says! economics...if you dont get it first time, it takes ages to get it after and 1 seminar where everything is like revised quickly isnt help at all!
and i think their expensive too! and thats like on the weekend...bAH!
these edassist lectures etc., i don't know. i think it's pretty sad that these teachers want to make even more money by repeating to other kids what they teach in their own classrooms.
80% of prep for any subject is notes, 20% is learning and applying them, yet 80% of whats tested is whats learnt and applied, while 20% is pure notes regurgitation.
if you dont learn and understand it, whats good notes u got fr a big price gonna do?